I will say what I do hate is when people make stupid comments about 30. Like when Dean and I were out to eat the other night and he starts to say something when talking about my birthday and then says "Oh never mind." And I said "What?? Just tell me." Because honestly, who isn't more curious when someone says that??? So he tells me how his girlfriend had said to him "OMG, if I am not married before I'm 30, just shoot me!!"
Reasons why this statement bothers me:
1) She told her boyfriend and guy she's only known for 4 months this.
2) She's almost 27.
So what I wanted to say to him was this "Ummm. . . you do realize then by her calculations either you will be her fiance or husband in the next 2 years or she's going to be shooting herself." But what I did say was this "I used to think I was going to be married by the time I was 30 and maybe even have a kid, but God has a different plan for me. Hopefully I haven't met my future husband though and really jacked things up already."
I remember thinking back about what my life was going to be like at 30. I was going to be a sports medicine doctor, more than likely living on Michigan Avenue, married, and possibly even have a kid.
I look back on those things and think that I made some pretty good decisions even though I am no where where I thought I was going to be. I chose to not go to Osteopathic School, but I got to spend time with my family and my Grandpas. I didn't settle for some guy. I'm saving money living in Iowa?!? :)
I will say that I am thankful for many things as I get closer to 30:
- I am thankful that I have a wonderful family-both immediate and extended that I am close to. I know some of my cousins who I am close with don't realize the awesome cousins they are missing out on.
- I am thankful that no one in my immediate family has passed away. I can't imagine not being able to call my sister or my Mom and Dad at any given moment. My friend Katie lost her Mom when she was 25, my friend Jennie lost her Dad last year when she was 30, and Jessica can never call Josie again just to chat. So while they sometimes annoy me, I'd rather have the annoyance than no annoyance at all.
- I am thankful that I have wonderful friends who I know would be there for me if I ever needed them. And I can't imagine that had I never moved here the awesome people I never would have known. (But again, I guess I never would have known what I was missing out on!)
- I am thankful that I am single, single and not single because I was divorced or widowed by the time I was 30. I couldn't live with that heartache of ever wondering if I'd get married again. Or thinking that I'd met my soul mate and then he died and I'd always wonder if I'd find true love again. That seems too heart wrenching.
- I am happy that I have a job.
- I am thankful for my health.
- I am thankful for life. My life.
I would of course be more thankful had say a cure for cancer existed because then I wouldn't be as sad sometimes. And maybe a cure for ALS, Alzheimer's, and Parkinson's while they are at it!
"Life is not measured by the number of breathes we take, but by the moments that take your breath away." --Author unknown