Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Phrases I wish my Father would not say to me . . .

I love my Dad. I do. I get him. He's funny. He's moody. He's extremely generous. He can be a pain in everyone's a$$ sometimes. . . you know. . . typical male. :) Oh and did I mention he says extremely inappropriate things to his daughter(s)??? Or will send me dirty jokes??

I think I have mentioned that I have a pretty close knit family. Extended and Immediate.

So my Dad called to see how my 2nd date went with the one guy. I tell him and he says "Well yeah, I mean, it's the 2nd date, he should be trying to get into your pants by now."

I say "DAD!!!"

And then he laughs hysterically and says "What?!? It's the 2nd date. By the 1st date, I'd be already trying to figure out ways to get into your pants!"

"DAD!! Seriously! I'm your daughter!!! Your baby girl!!! Really??? That's what you say to me??"

Laughing. "You're cute. I'm just saying. He should be trying to get into your pants and you into his. I mean if he's not trying, he might just not like women."

"DAD! This conversation is wrong on soo many levels. First of all, I don't consider myself a slut, so I wouldn't be trying to sleep with him on the 2nd date. And I do appreciate the fact when guys don't try to do that to me."

"Are you telling me you like women?" Laughs.

"No. I'm just saying, I'm apparently not as easy as you think I am!!"

"Just checking. You're not getting any younger. And you do have a lot of guy friends. Maybe you're just sleeping with them!!"

"Dad, we are done talking about my sex life."

"What sex life?? The guy didn't even try to get into your pants on the 2nd date!!" Laughing hysterically again.

"Dad, I'm done talking. How are you feeling???"

I mean seriously. He's my Dad. Do I have a sign on me that says "Please Dad and Gramps, say inappropriate things to me."


Narm said...

This is why my imaginary daughters won't be allowed to date until they are 35. I never want to think about this.

AnickH said...

No thats so wrong, your dad shouldnt say stuff like that to you. and its even sad that he has that kind of stuff on his mind, especially when it comes to you (his daughter). Im sorry about that. A lot of men are creeps so of course a lot of dads are. even my dad sometime is. still doesnt make it ok though):