Friday, June 26, 2009

I Want You Back. . .

As I said earlier this week, the passing of Ed McMahon made me very sad. . . and then yesterday happened.

Yesterday morning I was very sad to hear the passing of Farrah Fawcett. I wanted to be a Charlie's Angel. I still do. Not going to lie. When her story came on about a month ago with her fight with liver cancer, my mom asked me if I was going to watch it. And I told her I couldn't because if she died soon after I watched it I would be too sad because that is the type of cancer that Josie has. And at the time, Josie wasn't doing all that well. And now Farrah Fawcett has lost her battle with cancer. I know many people overcome cancer everyday, it's just that her death hits closer to home. And makes me thinks about things that I really refuse to think about because in my heart of hearts, I know if anyone can survive it, it's her. I know it. Farrah Fawcett will forever be a 70s/80s icon for her flawless beauty.

I had to play softball at 6pm yesterday, and as we were sitting there, a guy came up and said "Did you hear Michael Jackson died??" And I said "Wait?!? NO!! He was just rushed to the hospital!!" Then I googled it, and sure enough, Michael Jackson had died. So weird. Michael Jackson although in the last decade has been under scrutiny (and had maybe gone a little batty) had no doubt changed the world. He changed music. He changed pop culture. He was an icon and crossed barriers. I am wondering what will happen to his children and if they will finally not have to wear veils or masks in public. I will miss you Michael Jackson. And whenever I watch Center Stage, I will think of you. And anytime I hear your songs, I will miss you.

Well when I got home from softball last night, Dean and I were watching the specials on NBC waiting for H and Bill to get there. We were talking on and off through the Michael Jackson one and then when Farrah's came on, I got silent. And I teared up. It was just sooo sad watching hers. And how Ryan O'Neal was all choked up when he talked. It was very sad. Then Dean got off the couch and did the moon walk to the bathroom and I smiled.

And the only reason I was even hanging out with him was because he was really wanting to hang out with H and Bill. H didn't believe me, but he really did. He called me during my softball game to make sure that I called him when they got into town. And yes, I do realize it's weird seeing as he's only met them like once or twice, but they are pretty awesome. Then later, when Dean was outside smoking, I said that I added his number back into my phone as "Don't Call Me" because Sarah said that deleting it would be what you would do to a boyfriend. . . not a friend. Touche! So I added it as that. Then H turns to Bill and says "Told you she'd add it back soon." Ouch. Then she informed me that putting it as that in my phone is still a girlfriend thing to do. Double Ouch. It's staying that way though. Either way.

It was great to see H for if only a brief moment. Maybe I'll get up to see you sometime! Maybe!! :)

Happy Friday people!! Remember each day is a new day and to live each day with a smile on your face.

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