Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Does anyone hate compliments??

I mean sure I hate backhanded compliments. . . but I mean, genuinely I love receiving compliments from people. . . but then this happened yesterday from a gal that works in my building:

"A-you are looking great! How much weight have you lost??"

My response "Thanks! It sure doesn't feel like it!!" You see. . . I haven't lost any weight. In fact, I think I've gained weight. So much for my "30 before 30!" But I digress. . .

When someone gives me a compliment like that, I feel inclined to give them a compliment back because in all honesty, it's not a true compliment. And maybe I haven't really lost weight but have just switched up my exercise routine so much that I'm reshaping my body?? I don't know.

Maybe I do in fact look like I lost weight but haven't. I mean, my clothes don't fit tighter, so that's good, but they sure aren't really fitting much looser. And I was wearing my pants that are really loose. Maybe that's the trick. Buy clothes that are too big for you in hopes that people will say you lost weight! :)

And on a completely unrelated side note: I was talking to one of my friends that I talk to rather randomly but always try to see when I'm back over the holidays or in Chicago. Ryan and I have been good friends since the summer of my Freshmen year and worked together for 3 years. And the last few years, we haven't talked like we used to since he started studying for his CPA and all. . . well we're talking about getting together when I'm home and he says "Well if we don't see each other this weekend, when will you be coming to visit Josie??" I had forgotten to tell him about Josie. He was soo sad when I got off the phone. How did I forget to tell him?? I don't know. I know my mind was crazy and all but still. I had forgotten to tell him. I felt horrible and he felt horrible because she passed away and he couldn't be there for me. He's not on Facebook either, so he didn't even know if people had written me something. Now I keep wondering who of my good college friends that used to hang out with her often also don't know??

1 comment:

Captain Crab said...

I complimented one of your Aunts by saying "You look great! Have you lost weight?".

It didn't go over well!