Wednesday, October 7, 2009


So. . . I'm going on a 3rd date. . .after the not so promising 2nd date. . . maybe 3rd time's a charm??? Or am I just that desperate to find love?? It could be a combo of both. But I also think it's because everyone keeps saying maybe one more time. . . . My friend also said "Well hey, Free Meal, right??" To which I replied. . . "He didn't even buy me frickin ice cream after I made him dinner. . . so not really sure that whole "Free Meal" thing would exist!!"

But back to more important things. . . like this. . .

In case you're lazy and don't want to click on the button. . . here is the Cliff's Note version:

This kid started stealing around age 12/13 and now is 18 years-old. In 2007, he was sentenced to a juvenile facility and was doing well so they released him to a half-way house where he escaped. And now, for the last 18 months he's been stealing money, etc and now has started to steal airplanes and take them for joy rides. The cops have been unable to catch him.

But just in case you were wondering. . .here is what his Mom had to say about her child's behaviors:

His mother said she doesn't see anything wrong with what he's suspected of doing. "I hope to hell he stole those airplanes — I would be so proud," Pam Kohler told a reporter, noting her son's lack of training. "But put in there that I want him to wear a parachute next time."

And then this gem:
Kohler hopes her son makes his way to a country that won't extradite him. She said she sometimes talks to him on the phone, but she won't let on if she knows where he is.
"I figure I'll spend my time with him in a positive way," she said, "because who knows if he'll be shot tomorrow?"

Well, maybe it's just me. . . but while it sounds fun what he is doing much like the movie, shouldn't your parental instincts tell you, "Hey, I want to spend my time with him in a positive way and not be shot, so maybe I should just have him turn himself in so it doesn't come to that." Or say so he doesn't DIE in a plane crash?? I do understand jail isn't what you would call "positive" but still. . . I bet his Mom is getting some of this money he's stealing . . .

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