Thursday, September 24, 2009

I think I just vomited in my mouth a little. . .

I realize I read the gossip columns and skim through the gossip magazines, but after I read this I'm pretty sure I vomited in my mouth a little. And gagged.

Long story short, MacKenzie Phillips said she had a consensual incestuous relationship for 10 years with her father.

I feel bad for her. I read cases all the time about children who are molested by a parent, grandparent, uncle, sibling, cousin, etc. . . and they are effed up to put it mildly. It's something that's not really supposed to happen naturally. Do most of those kids turn to drugs to forget about it and block the pain?? Yes.

Heck, once I started kissing boys, I quit kissing my Dad on the lips!

But I digress. . . I don't get it. I realize that she was apparently blacked out when it first happened and then woke up during it. But wouldn't something tell you, "ummm... my dad is having sex with me I need to roll over?!?" I don't know.

I come from a very huggy and loving family, but I don't think I ever found my Dad even REMOTELY attractive. Or ever been remotely attracted to my Dad. My friends' Dads yes, heck some of my Dad's Friends, but my Dad. . .NO. And I know many guys that have Hot Moms that are really repulsed by the fact their friends find their Mom hot.

So was it the drugs that made her feel this was an okay thing for TEN YEARS?? I don't know. I just don't get it. I do know that up until about a year ago my nephew (when he was 3) said that he was going to marry his mom (my sister) and live happily ever after. And he also said that he would marry his Aunt A. Will I take my nephew up on this in 20 years when I'm desperate?? Probably not.

Sorry I brought this up. I just couldn't help it. I needed to write it out because it disturbed me soo much. I am disturbed. Perhaps she should have been seeing a psychiatrist for the last 35 years instead of doing the drugs. . .

And for H. . . I do realize that I have inappropriate dreams with both Morgan Freeman and Craig T Nelson circa Coach in the last 2 years, but they are not my Dad. . . just old enough to be. . . :)

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