Wednesday, September 30, 2009

My Thoughts Exactly. . .

So I'm sort of stealing the title from Chelsea Lately. . . but. . .

I read this and I thought. . . wait one second. . . wait. . .

We all know how I slightly despise The Hills. And how I just don't understand how people on this show become famous. But after reading this I almost fainted and vowed right then and there that I will quit reading Gossip columns and whatnot. I know. I know.

You see, Lauren Conrad "wrote" a book. And I was reading somewhere that it's exactly like her show The Hills.

Here is a review of the book L.A. Candy:

Now, though, what Conrad really wants to do is write: L.A. Candy, her first novel, is also the first fruit of a three-book deal. In it, 19-year-old California girl ''Jane Roberts'' becomes famous for living her life on a reality TV show called...L.A. Candy. She works as an intern in L.A. She has boy troubles, a falling-out with a girlfriend, and a sweet, stunned affect. So far, ''Jane'' hasn't gotten a three-book deal. But then, there are still two books to go.

And another from Amazon:

Obvious excerpts of her life and deliciously entertaining. I read through this book within 24 hrs, true Hills fans will adore it. The ending...leaves possibilities for a continuance just like the shows. LC great job for your first book, i loved it and hope to read more of such lives of your characters. Great and entertaining book.

As for whether the book is based on Lauren’s own life, well, a peek at the copyright page reveals it is filed under ’self-perception: fiction’. So basically if I'm reading everything correctly, it's basically a book about her life which was basically played out on The Hills.

So what I am understanding is that they are making a movie based about this book which is based about The Hills. Why are movie people putting money into this?? Don't they know that most TV shows don't do well on the Big Screen?? Guess which movie I won't be going to see??

Also, I am slightly shameful as in that I watched 5 minutes of The Hills last night just to see. I used to watch it every now and then when they had those marathons on the weekend. And well. . . I never can get those 5 minutes back.

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