Wednesday, September 30, 2009

I need your help. . .

Okay. . . so some strange things are a happening with me lately.

And I don't know how to explain them.

I think I've talked about my sixth sense before on this blog. . . and I hate it.

Lately, especially lately, I can't sleep. I miss Josie soo much. I hate that I have a date and I can't call/text/email her. I hate that something will happen and it reminds me of her and I can't call her. I hate that she was supposed to come and visit me in September, and she couldn't anymore. I hate that. So last weekend, luckily I had plans to go home for my friend/old roommate Sarah's shower and spend time with my family. I needed that time. I was slowly sinking.

My sister was busy working on her Master's homework, so I went and hung out with her for a couple of hours and we started talking. And I told her how I had these goosebumps all the time lately. And I couldn't explain it. At Stacey's wedding, goosebumps when we were dancing. The wedding Josie was supposed to be at. Goosebumps randomly sitting watching TV. Goosebumps at work. Goosebumps driving. Goosebumps the day she died. MAJOR Goosebumps. And then my sister tells me how 3 days before Josie died she had a dream that we were all out to eat and while Josie was there, we were all talking about her like she had died. She was a ghost in her dream. She never told me because she didn't want to be right.

Flashback 9 years. When our close family friend Matt died, the 2 mornings I was home from college after it, the door bell rang and the fax machine went off at the same time at around 7am each morning. It was 2 days later we discovered that the fax machine wasn't plugged in. Only the phone jack was plugged in. The fax machine shouldn't have turned on. Then for 4 months after Matt died, in the middle of the night, my sister's bedroom door would open. And one night, she saw a dark figure come down the hallway after her door had opened. She thought it was my Dad, so she got up and went into my Mom and Dad's room only to discover my Dad laying in bed snoring. She sprinted back to her bed and covered her head and said "Matt, I'm okay." And her door never opened in the middle of the night again.

So. . . if these goosebumps I'm feeling are Josie, I keep wondering if there's a way that I can talk to her. If there's some way. I don't know a lot about spirits. I know they exist. I'm just wondering how I can talk to it, if it's her.

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