Thursday, September 25, 2008

Off of my chest. . . and onto yours. . .

Things that I need to say:

WAMP--where'd this go?? It's been a while and I miss it. This guy didn't though.

Clay Aiken--Really?? I think everyone had their own suspicions. And really who cares?? It's your life, live it the way you want to.

Lindsey Lohan--Again? Love Line is where you admit it? And really who cares?? You're happy. And your Dad is insane.

HIMYM (How I Met Your Mother to the non 'in the know' crowd)--I love you. Each and every one of you. And Barney. I really love you. Did Robin lose a lot of weight or is it just me??

I just ate homemade Mac&Cheese for lunch that my neighbor made. It was delicious. And totally not in the diet that I need to be on.

I think I am just going to be destined to forever have weird guy relationships.

Dean on Tuesday night Volleyball to our team said "Sometimes I think you wish I was gay." Just because I always have him do little dances. Which by the way, he does on his own without my help. He also makes up little raps/jingles sometimes. Not my fault on this one people.

Wine Rep told me that I put him in the Friend Zone. I'm sorry, your actions put you in the friend zone. Not me.

Whew. .. much better. Thanks!

Oh and my dad is talking to me. He just forgot to call me and tell me he got back home okay. Which if it was me, he would have called me 8 times in an hour.


alexa @clevelandsaplum said...

HIMYM will you marry me?!?

Idea #527 said...

I know! I love that show!!!