Tuesday, August 26, 2008


So they just announced the line-up for Dancing with the Stars. I don't really watch this show, so I really didn't get what all the excitement is about. I will sometimes watch it but not something I HAVE to watch.

The thing that struck me as the most hilarious part of this is that Kim Kardashian apparently got injured and as every media outlet reported "thank goodness she was still able to dance for the show." Like Kim is this great trooper.

Do you know what happened to her?? She cut her big toe on a glass table. It basically looks like she has this big band aid on her toe. Not even covering her complete toe. She didn't even need stitches. Or at least what I saw of the news casts on E! which didn't say she needed stitches. I couldn't find a picture, but oh how I wish I could.

My friend Sarah basically skinned her toe and had to wear huge amounts of gauze, bandages, and a condom like thing over her toe when we played sand volleyball. Sarah needed stitches even but since they had to wait so long in the emergency room, she left.

I severely sprained my ankle and played both softball AND sand volleyball. And yes I realize that probably REALLY helped in the whole "recovery" process.

I'm pretty sure a gash on your toe won't really hamper the contest. I guess I need to quit reading my celebrity stuff. It just severely irritated me last night when I saw that and then read about it again this morning!

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