Thursday, August 21, 2008

Things that remind you time flies. . .

My little nephew started Pre-School today. PRE-SCHOOL.

I can't believe it. When I moved here almost 4 years ago in September, he was just a little zygote* in my sister's stomach. And he's turned into an absolutely adorable child. I might be slightly biased though. . .not sure. . . :)

This just totally reminded me though of a funny story that my friend Mark told me last night. Mark and his wife are the ones that moved here in June a year ago but thought that I lived somewhere else in the state and never bothered to call and verify my whereabouts. And in November they found out they had been living a mile from me. Anyway, I had called Mark last night to see if he wanted to play on our kickball team. I knew Kristin couldn't because she's pregnant. Anyway, I asked Mark how the pregnancy was going and he starts telling me all this information. I told Mark how impressed I was with his knowledge especially for being a guy.

And then Mark tells me that apparently he never told me what Kristin did. So when Kristin found out she was pregnant, she signed Mark up for the "What to Expect When You're Expecting" emails so every week Mark opens up his email and it says "Mark Congratulations! You are in your 10th week. Your baby is growing inside you even more rapidly than before." And then goes into more detail. He finds it very entertaining. And I was cracking up. I love Kristin. And will do that to my husband (Or Baby's Daddy) someday!

*I'm not actually sure if the proper term is a zygote but he was about the size of a blueberry!

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