Monday, August 4, 2008


So. . . Wine Rep called me on Saturday and guess what??

He broke up with her. I told him I was calling "Shenanigans!" until I could get further proof. We'll see though. We'll see. . .

Now what is a girl supposed to do!?!


Unknown said...

What drama? I love it. Keep it up. It's good for the complexion!
. . . I don't have any good advice, though, seeing as how I don't know what the problem is.

Idea #527 said...

The problem was he was basically living and dating a girl and NEVER called me to tell me. And he ditched out on a date. This is why I don't know what to do.

Do I give him a 2nd chance if he wants one??

Captain Crab said...

He's a guy! Thus, he is completely clueless, like just about every guy that I know! I didn't even start to figure (still haven't completely) women out til I was 50!

Give guys a break.