Tuesday, August 26, 2008

I pity the fool. . .

There are some things I need to do besides lose some weight and possibly grow another 3 inches so I can finally be a professional basketball player. I'm not joking. I really thought in 4th grade that I would be an awesome basketball player when I grew up. I was told by the high school basketball coaches that I was a good player during basketball camp. But maybe they just told everyone that because seventh grade happened and I was cut from the team. And I just excelled with basketball in PE. You don't know it, but you are talking to the Knock Out Champion. I guess getting cut from the team can damper your whole prospective on life. But I digress. . .

I was reading Alexa's blog and she was saying that she has an anonymous stalker that checks her all the time. She knew when and everything. Then I got to thinking. . . Alexa. . .it might be me. I need to get Blog Roll or whatever it is that H said she has that tells her when blogs get updated. What I tend to do is go to the blogs that I frequent and see if they have updated. Then I go to some of the blogs they have on their roll and check those out. I do know that I never post anonymously on blogs. . . so maybe I'm okay??? I don't know. I was stalked in college and it was kind of freaky, so I would hate to think I'm inadvertently stalking you. However, the only times I would check to see if you updated or got on yours so that I could read someone else's would be during business hours Monday-Friday and then occasionally on Sundays.

So to anyone else who blogs and might have an anonymous stalker that seems to attack during business hours Monday-Friday. . . it's me. And I apologize.

Also, if anyone can tell me how to find out how many people actually read my blog besides the ones I currently know, that would be pretty cool.

And D$ still no guest post. . .


alexa @clevelandsaplum said...

oh hunny, it is NOT you. i have an anonymous blog stalker who comments ridiculously mean and rude things.

i have that person tagged for evil. if you get a chance go look at my post from like last friday or something and see the very rude things that were said!

oh and to help the checking back thing, get a google reader - it will CHANGE YOUR LIFE!

Idea #527 said...


WOAH! How mean is that person??

And as a single 28-year-old, I can honestly say it's not for a lack of trying!!