Wednesday, August 29, 2007

My Apologies. . .

I realized apparently yesterday after I calmed down a bit, I might over exaggerate things. And I very often have the feeling that everyone is conspiring against me. Why you may ask?? I don't know why. If I knew why, I don't think the conspiring theory would come on a monthly basis in my life. Recently I think I have the feeling more and more and perhaps it's because my "friend" blatantly attacked my character for no apparent reason, I don't know. The truth be told, I've never had confidence. Even though as my "friend" said that I have this new confidence and whatnot with me losing all the weight and getting my haircut. Umm. . . technically my weight is where I started when I first moved to this great state 3 years ago. :) It could be because I was always the chubby child and my sister never was. My sister was always the pretty, skinny one that all the guys flocked to. I was the chubby, funny kid that was always the friend. I mean, looking back now--as you can tell from the picture at the right--I was pretty sexy and cannot figure out, why no one flocked to me! Which is always ironic looking back too because I never got picked on for being the chubby kid and my sister got picked on all the time. I had a good group of friends in grade school and her friends seemed caddy and mean.

So I don't know why I freak out on certain things and apparently can't let certain other things ago. I think I'm waiting for an apology still from said "friend" and that's why I'm still so bitter about it. So H, I'm sorry I had to go all crazy on you yesterday about my conspiring theories. I love that you listen to them and probably laugh hysterically with Bill about them later! :)

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