Thursday, August 16, 2007

Yep, that's me. I'm pretty much a BIG Dork. . .

So. . . Dean Cain is on vacation this week. Which in a way is good because it really makes me think less about him. Mainly because I know he's on vacation with his family up in the boondocks so I don't have to sit around worrying why isn't he calling me. Which don't worry I'm not actually sitting around waiting for him to call, I'm metaphorically sitting around waiting and wondering why he hasn't called. . . :) And I know we are just friends, but friends with a weird relationship nonetheless. But lately, mainly after church on Sunday, I realized that he's the one I have a spark with. WHICH I HATE. However, there is a guy I have great chemistry with who did call me on Tuesday to see if I wanted to go out to dinner. I couldn't though because I was already out with my one boss. No spark, but some definite chemistry.

Anyways, I think God is trying to speak to me through musical lyrics. The radio station I listen to is known for never really playing the same music two days in a row unless it's the popular stuff, and then I only hear it once MAYBE twice a day. Well anyway, the moment I got back and was contemplating my stuff with Boatman the Colbie Calliet song, Bubbly came on and I realized that's what I want to feel and I just don't feel that with Boatman. So two days ago, my favorite U2 Song came on, With or Without You, and I was just slowly jamming to it at my desk. Then yesterday, it came on again. And then today as I had a moment where something happened and I knew it was something Dean would appreciate, the song came on the radio. And I was like, is this just shear coincidence, or is it God telling me that when Dean gets back from his vacation, perhaps you should just tell him how you feel?

Now this to any other person would probably be it's a coincidence of songs three days in a row. And I, too, would normally think this, but this is my movie montage song. And by movie montage song, I mean if my life were made into a movie this is the song that would be playing in it. Specifically it would play just as I realized that I was in love with my best guy friend and he was moving clear across the country after telling our friends that he was in love with me but that I obviously wasn't in love with him, so he had to move on and move away. And as I'm running after his taxi that just left his apartment (up a hill no less), I finally give up and admit defeat, and walk slowly back down the hill. Then I hear "Hey idiot, Why are you running after an empty taxi??" and it's him. And I start babbling and saying how I thought it was him and how I realized I was in love with him and then we romantically embrace. AND scene. :) I've only told dear friends about my movie montage songs. Mainly because I think it's one of my quirks, but also because they might steal it and actually make a movie about it. I know when writing this in cyberspace I should worry, but only maybe three people read this and I'm related to them all, so no worries here. :)

Anyway, one Saturday I was over at Dean's and he was telling me how he was playing tennis and soccer by himself working on his skills. Then he says, "This may sound weird but do you ever think that sometimes your life should have a narrator or something. That there's that voice saying, 'Look at Dean's skill with the soccer ball. Or look at Dean making toast.' Or something like that." And I believe I must have gave him that strange, 'I think I'm falling in love with you' look because he then says, "That's really weird, huh." I tell him it's not that weird and he asks if I ever think that stuff. And I whip out the movie montage songs. And I directly tell him I have a specific example but it might just weird him out but he wants to hear it anyway. So I tell him. And he still talks to me people He STILL talks to me. :)

So what's weird is that I have never told any guy the movie montage theory besides my bgf. He's the only one mainly because girl's don't seem to think it's as weird as guys would. And what's even weirder is that I've heard that song, every day he's been gone. EVERY DAY. I talked to him on his way Monday night. So everyday I haven't talked to him, I've heard the song that reminds me of him. It's rather creepy honestly. And in my overthinkingness, I have pretty much determined that I'm a big dork!

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