Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Things that make me smile. . .

I played in this kickball tournament a couple of weeks ago. (And yes I said Kickball. I actually even play in a kickball league that will be starting up again in the next couple of weeks.) I played with a couple of people that I didn't know but everyone else had played on the kickball team and league last fall. Well one of the guys on the team the Tuesday after the tourney called me after getting my number off of Facebook and in his message said, he wasn't stalking me but noticed that I had my number on there and thought he'd call me to see if I wanted to do something. He ended up coming over and we went for a walk. Then last week he called to see if I wanted to go out to dinner but I couldn't because I was with my boss already. Then today in an email I was telling him how a story came up about my sister that I was just telling him and it came up again with all my cousins and I was telling everyone that I had just told someone that story. He emailed me back and said "So I'm just a 'somebody'. I can't believe I don't even get a name in the stories you tell your family. I'm just kidding... I would have said the same thing." How cute is that?!?

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