Monday, August 13, 2007

Are you there God?? It's me. . .

One of my favorite books of all time when I was in 3rd grade was Judy Blume's "Are you there God? It's me, Margaret." I cannot tell you how many times I read that book. In fact, I read a lot of Judy Blume books growing up. (I heart her.) I think as you get older though that sometimes you stop and think back and wonder will life ever turn out like it did in the books of yesteryear.

I guess at this point in time I consider myself an adult. Well adult-like persay. I think in the last year or so I've been waiting for these signs to sort of tell me what exactly my destiny is. I've waited, and waited, and waited. . . AND waited. And while talking a class called Alpha at my church things just kept coming up on how you need to listen for God and let him in when he knocks and whatnot. All these people in my group kept saying things like how they were having a bad day and something just kept coming up in their mind and they would open their Bible and right there would be the perfect verse to what was happening. And I just kept thinking, "Am I not listening??" And I guess the other question would be, should I start opening my Bible??

I know my Mom and Dad say how I don't always listen, but I think it's more of a tune them out type thing than me not really listening. Well I think I heard God yesterday as opposed to my apparently tuning him out. And it was strange. I am definitely struggling in my love life. And I met this great guy, Boatman, who on all accounts is a great catch. And he obviously likes me a lot. (And who wouldn't really?? hehe) However, I felt no attraction to him whatsoever. No spark, no chemistry, no nothing. I keep thinking maybe I should give him one more shot. (Actually, it's more coming from my mom because she feels I need to give him another shot and sometimes sparks just don't come right away. She of course is completely lying since she told me she had instant sparks and chemistry when she met my dad. And then she says, perhaps you shouldn't always go with the sparks. . . My mom, the jokester. . .) So on Sunday when I was at Church the pastor not once, not twice, but three+ times made the comment on how you can't become lazy in things such as love. And how you need to have that initial spark, that passion, when you love something. Granted she was talking about the initial spark of God's love and our love for him, but in a way I think it was also God talking to me saying, perhaps you should go for the spark. And also go for someone who say is 5 hours closer to you even though they may like you a lot, you can't like them the same back. God also spoke one another time to me a few months ago at Church. I had a song in my head and during a clip in the sermon, guess what song was played??? You're right, the song in my head! And it wasn't a Christian song, it was "This Woman's Work." So, I think I'm going to listen to God this time. Or try to at least. ;)

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