Thursday, September 6, 2007

Yeah. . . my niceness finally has kicked me in the arse. Part One.

So. . . Boatman is coming this weekend. Can you tell how excited I am about this?!? No?!? Oh that's right. I'm not. And I have no idea why I agreed to it in the first place. And first thing this morning I get an email (right when I think I am going to write him an email reiterating that I don't know how I feel about him in hopes that would change his mind from coming) that says "How are you doing today? I'm looking forward to seeing you this weekend."

Okay I do know how I feel about him--I don't feel about him. No spark, no chemistry, just annoyance. That's what that is. And how can you write an email reiterating you don't know how you feel when someone tells you how much they look forward to seeing you? You can't. It's mean either way. JUST MEAN.

And then later I get an email saying that I never commented on his second comment. I'm sorry, I didn't realize I needed to.

I just hope I don't kill him this weekend.


Anonymous said...

I don't think its your niceness that has gotten you in trouble, I think its the lack of clear communication. You may believe it is mean to let someone know that you don't care for them they way they would like you to, but maybe it is more mean to let them continue to think something that is not true. Its like a band-aid, better to do it fast and get it over with.

Idea #527 said...

So true. .. so True. . . however, I think part of me (and my mom's harping) kept thinking he needed a second chance as well.