Thursday, August 16, 2007

Great at being quick is NOT my specialty. . .

So last night I took my bosses to the state fair. . . which also happens to be the 2nd most fun place in the United States to go behind Las Vegas. . . thank you. . . thankyouverymuch. . .

I did not have near as much fun at the fair last night as I had in times past however. For one, it was HOT and HUMID. I capitalize so you know it just wasn't the normal hot and humid. You sweated just standing still. And it was after 6pm at night and with complete cloud cover. Ridiculous I say. RIDICULOUS!! The other reason could be because I was with my bosses. One I enjoy hanging out with most of the time. The other says things that make me really question him as a human being, and I wonder if he even has a soul. Why do I continue to work for him?? I only see him once a month and sometimes not at all. And after a couple of comments he made last night, I'm really starting to even question that.

Anyway, as we made our way after we got some beer and listened to live music, we were cutting through to go see the butter cow and all of a sudden this cop and like an entourage of black SUVs come up behind us. Now if I was thinking like a normal person, I would have thought, "perhaps I should get my camera out and take a picture because this is likely someone important." However, I just stood there with my beer in my hand looking at all the SUVs. So as I just stand there staring, I see Hilary Clinton. I was less than 50 feet from her and I think she made eye contact with me as she was getting out of her car. And her bodyguard did wave to me. I had to just look retarded at that instant and I'm pretty sure had I made any sudden movements to go into my purse to grab my camera, the bodyguard would have shot me on the spot. Oh well. Next time I'll be ready BEFORE anyone parks. :)

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