Tuesday, January 27, 2009


I've been thinking a lot about useless things lately. I'm not sure why. It might have to do with Josie and how short her life just might be. I don't know. I do know I have quit taking things for granted and what not. But I digress. . .

I realized that while I might be complete the way I am, I don't think my friends want me to be complete alone. Don't get me wrong, I do want to be in a relationship, but when it happens, it happens. Case in point: Two of my friends are getting married and as I think I mentioned in my birthday post, Christine basically told/threatened Dean to be my date and come to her wedding. And then today her fiance Robb emailed me and said that I should invite Dean to his Bachelor Party and that it's on the same night as Christine's Bachelorette Party, so if he can get off work, he should come. I responded back and said "You don't have to invite him if you don't want to! Unless you miss him!" And he emailed back "Of course I miss him!!"

I'm sure if I was dating someone, Robb would feel inclined to invite him to the Bachelor Party, but seeing as Dean and I are going as friends, I doubt if I was bringing just a guy friend that Robb would invite him. Dean is in fact now just a guy friend. But I'm starting to think that my friends miss him. And I mean really miss him. Another friend last week made the comment about how much she misses him too.

So now I'm thinking that if I would start to date someone, that while I know some people were afraid I was comparing Wine Rep to Dean in the beginning, should I be worried that my friends are comparing any guy I date to Dean as well?? I just don't know. Oh and in case you were wondering, I haven't talked to Wine Rep since my birthday. I'm pretty sure there is no trip to St. Lucia in my future. . . Darn it! ;)

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