Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Happy Birthday to me. . . Happy Birthday to me???

It's funny as someone gets older they seem to handle birthdays differently.

Some handle them with a grain of salt (and a lime. . . and tequila. . .)

Others go into this downward spiral of depression on their upcoming birthday.

I think I am in between. I'm not looking forward to this birthday. It's not quite my 30th. . . but it is my 29th. One year until that dreaded 30.

I think when I look back at my life, I really thought it would be different than it is now. But maybe it's right where it's supposed to be. I don't know.

When I was a senior in college and turned 22, I thought, man, when I'm 30, I'll be a doctor, married, maybe have a kid on the way. . .

In case you were keeping track, none of that has happened.

I can explain not being a doctor. I made that choice. Maybe I had a different calling or something. I do still occasionally "play" a doctor. And then my grandfather reminds me that if I had actually become a doctor he would listen to me more and it would save him trips to his own doctor who subsequently tells him the exact same thing I did.

On being married. . . it's not like I don't want to get married. I do. And at one time, I thought I saw myself marrying someone. But in reality, when it came down to it, maybe he wasn't the one. I've quit shooting for a timeline on getting married. My sister tells me I'm too picky and stuck in my single ways. And she is right. Anytime Wine Rep wants to do something and I have plans with my friends, I fit him into my plans. I never make plans for just him and I. And really I did that with a lot of guys, not just him. I don't think it's unrealistic to want to be swept off my feet. I mean not literally but if you like me, you need to try really hard. And I do mean do something like singing "Let My Love Open the Door" when you come and knock on my door. That to me would be a big indication of your intentions. And it might make my clothes fall off if added with a guitar. . .

On not having kids, I'm pretty sure this is a personal choice seeing as I would like to either be
a) Married when I have them, or
b) Be in a serious relationship and then become pregnant by accident
I don't want to have an "oops" with a complete stranger. Even though, my dad on many occasions has said that he doesn't care if I get married anymore before I have kids, he just wants more grandkids. And well you all know how adorable my nephew is, so. . .

My friend John brought up a very good argument not too long ago when we were out. He said that as a woman I have the ability to be able to walk up to any guy and say "Hey, want to come back to my place?" and the guy would. While I don't necessarily believe this for me personally, I got to thinking he was right when my friend Jeff told me that he didn't like going to a certain bar because the girls were all too snobby and he wanted to go to a place where the girls went up to him and said "Hey want to go back to my place?" So. . . I guess it all depends on who you ask. . . oh and that whole "I try to have some self-respect so I don't go sleeping with random people thing." I mean I only sleep with people I've known for. . . I don't know. . . at least a week. . . haha!! ;)

Well I have to go for a walk now. . . and wanted to leave this with you from Chelsea Lately:
Paris Hilton doesn't have the Clap. . . she has the Applause.

Thank you Chelsea Handler! haha!


pj said...

Let me be the first to put birthday greetings on your blog. But isn't your birthday tomorrow?

Happy Birthday!

Unknown said...

Birthday! Already?!! I can't believe it got here without me even purchasing a card. I will though, and mail it. I hope your day is splendid, and that 29 will be the year when you're swept off your feet by Prince Charming.

Idea #527 said...

PJ--Yeah it's actually today. I forgot to change the date on it so it wouldn't post until today. ANd thanks for the wishes!

Dana--Thanks! And don't worry about it. Did you ever get your card that I forgot to send??