Wednesday, February 4, 2009

I am alive. . .

But the last couple of days, heck almost the last week, I have contemplated running out in front of moving vehicles.

It started last Wednesday going to San Francisco for work. Now I did get to actually see the city of San Fran which was awesome and I hope to one day go back and do the cool touristy things they have like go to Chinatown, Pier 39, shop the downtown district, etc. I got to drive on the Bay Bridge to go to Modesto which was where my meeting was at. Modesto is the wine and nut capital. I don't know if it really is but Gallo wine is made there as well Diamond nuts. And if you didn't know, almonds grow on trees. I didn't know that. I knew walnuts did but peanuts grow in the ground. So YOU do learn something new every day. :)

Anyway, I already hate having to fly in and out of places within 24 hours. I do this more than I like to. At least 3 times a year sometimes and I hate it. And this time, my worst fear happened. I do love the fact that since I hate long lay overs corporate is nice enough to make it so I have an hour to an hour and a half lay over. This time, however, it bit me in the arse. My flight leaving San Fran was a half hour late. So the hour I had to get through the MN airport did not occur. They made the announcement that "Don't worry, people that have connections elsewhere, your flights are waiting for you." I went up to double check because I don't necessarily trust airlines when they tell me these things. They even double checked and guaranteed me that it was waiting. Yeah, so I landed at 10:32pm and my connection was set to leave at 10:30. I wasn't worried because they were "waiting" for me. And while the flight attendant made the announcement while we were landing to please remain seating if this is your final destination or you have a long lay over because there are people that are having to hurry for waiting planes, half the plane decided to completely empty. They made the announcement twice and then added "People flying to Detroit, Memphis, or Milwaukee your flights are holding. There are vouchers for you other people."

Now this is the point where I start to get pissed. You see, they made me check my carry on when I boarded because all the overheads were full. And I am pretty sure I know why. The same douche bags that didn't wait to get off the plane for the other folks, were the same people that had 2 carry-ons and put BOTH of them in the overheads. You see when you travel with two carry-ons it is standard procedure to put the larger one above and the smaller one at your feet. NOT both of them overhead. Unless there is still room, then by all means yes. So I land and have nothing. NOTHING. Because also when they told me that they needed me to check my carry on they also sent it directly to my plane that I was supposed to catch. They couldn't be bothered with sorting it out and giving it to me when we landed.

Luckily I have the most awesome cousins in the world and H came and picked me up at the airport at 11pm and then took me back to the airport at 5:30am for my 7am flight back home. She also took me to the Cubs Foods so I could buy contact solution and a toothbrush. Thanks again! You ROCK!!!

Now, I had contemplated even working on Friday anyway because I knew I was going to be worn out from the late travelling. And as I almost fell asleep on my drive home from the airport at 9am, I thought my bed was the best place to be. But as I laid there and couldn't sleep I decided to shower. Then I see I have a missed call from my boss. I call him back. He asks when I got in and then proceeds to have me open up the 4 emails he sent me while he was waiting for his plane the day before and have me answer questions about the proposal and changes for an hour and a half. I cannot tell you about anything we talked about to be honest. I was sooo tired. I finally grab lunch at 2pm and proceed to reread things and just cannot focus. I call him about something I did find and he asks if I was done looking at it yet. And I told him due to how tired I am, I should probably read it a 3rd time. He then is like "Oh yeah, quit looking at it today and then just get it to me Sunday." Which you know, he wasn't going to look at it the rest of the weekend, he just wanted it to him first thing Monday morning.

I worked for 5 hours on Sunday trying to get all the things done I needed to for my conference call on Monday at 10am. Then on my half hour conference call that lasted an hour and a half, I realized that NO ONE else did what they were supposed to. Just me. The person who was travelling, missed her connection, and whose job does not consist of JUST WRITING PROPOSALS!!! I'm not joking. The other people on the call's job is to just write proposals. They are not managing projects or travelling to cities to try and get more projects.

This was my Monday. And basically it's slowly getting better. SLOWLY. But the best part about it is that it's like my boss sends me an email on the proposal and wonders why I don't look at it right away. I'm sorry. I actually have another job to do. You know, the one you pay me for in the first place. If only I just sat on my arse all day doing nothing. Oh wait. . . I'm sitting here right now blogging. . . but. . . eh. . .

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