Thursday, July 31, 2008

Your Help is Appreciated. . .

So H and I have a little debate going. And by debate I mean she teases me and then I get defensive and tell her she's wrong and then I go to my side of the crib and suck my thumb.

So I need your help dear readers on this situation. (And by readers I mean the 5 family members and the 3 other people who have commented on my blog that I know probably read this regularly.)

Really my only point is to prove H wrong because well we're stubborn and both are usually right, so it's hard.

Here is the situation: Dean and I had an awkward friendship. Dean turned into a douche. I no longer have the original feelings for Dean. We're starting up to be friends again. H on many occasions makes comments that we should just get married already and I often air punch her because I can't really punch her in person since she's far away from me. (Watch out when I see you on Saturday though!!)

Anyways. . .so last night my aunt and uncle were in town. We were going to a baseball game. I got free tickets because my friend works for the organization. I had an extra ticket and invited him along because he had been wanting to go all year. So yesterday after work he called me to see if I still wanted him to go and I said yes.

So I was telling H this and then said something about him buying me all my beer last night to which she said "Awe how cute! A double date!" Then I air kicked her.

I said "Date?? No. Two friends." To which she said something along the lines of whatever or something. I tend to block out her IMs after she frustrates me. :) (Kidding, I just don't remember them!)

So my question is: Is it a date if the guy buys? (or vice versa)

I guess it's really more of a survey, but you get the jist.

My feelings are that he was just being nice since I got him a free ticket to the baseball game. That is all.

Thank you for your time!

*And the two readers that I know read this occasionally, I hope you had fun on your vacation!

Oh and WM the tiramisu was EXCELLENT! I think I forgot to tell you that! Thanks for the recipe!!


pj said...

I'm on the fence.

But Dean might think that you are more than friends since you took him on a family thing. AND he bought your beer all night.

What the hell. Let's just start planning the wedding.

Unknown said...

Not a date. Sorry, Haley. Beer buying between friends doesn't say date -- not in this day and age.

Captain Crab said...

I'm with PJ on this one. The constant bickering and then deciding to be friends and him buying all your beer (although not technically a date) is just a prelude to a marriage proposal. Although that may be years in the coming.