Wednesday, July 9, 2008


I have another quick gripe and since H is not at work today (Hope you feel better!) I have to complain via my blog or I might explode.

My one friend today has brought up Dean about 3 times. And then has the audacity to tell me "I'm done talking about him." I wanted to respond back "Well I'm not the one that keeps bringing him up!" But I refrained because I'm a nice person and she gets easily offended.

First thing today I was telling her how I am sad that I left my lunch at home today because I was really looking forward to it. And then she asked what it was I was bringing. And I said "My leftovers from Wednesday. I couldn't eat them so I put them in my freezer the minute I got home." And then she said "Oh on your date with DEAN?" I then had to correct her and say that it wasn't a date, it was two people going to dinner.

Then later she said something about me still having feelings for him. Then when I responded how I don't have the same feelings for him that I did, although I still enjoy his company and there isn't anything wrong with that. Friends enjoy each other's company all the time. THEN she tells me that she doesn't buy it and that she knows me. If she knew me, she would understand that I am serious. (Although H said yesterday that "Maybe we should just get married already" and I told her "Maybe I should just punch you in the face. There's a lot of maybes out there and maybes just don't mean anything.") Then she said that I compare other guys to him. I will admit that at one time I did but not now. He's not worth comparing other guys to because he is not the person I thought he was. I might be afraid of getting into a relationship because of him, but that's not comparing him to another guy specifically.

The third time involved her telling me "Oh that's the time you ditched us for dean boy." Which prompted me to say "WHAT?!? I have never ditched you for him. If anything, I always invited him along." To which she said "I'm done talking about Dean."

This pissed me off to no end. I have NEVER will NEVER ditch my friends for a guy. I might go out with my girl friends and then meet up with the guy or have the guy meet up with me, but I will never do that. This is also the same girl who told me that I needed to maybe make time for Wine Rep and not do some things. But I know if I ditched her for Wine Rep I would never hear the end of it. And case in point from above discussion.

UGH! That's all I can say.


Unknown said...

I'd be pissed too. Scream in the bathroom for a bit. It might help. Also, you maintain friendships that I will never understand (if you're talking about who I think you're talking about).

Idea #527 said...

I'm probably talking about who you think I'm talking about. And sometimes I wonder that myself. But other times it's good. And I know if I needed anything she would be there for me.