Thursday, July 24, 2008

Today. . .

It's raining and I feel it's sort of fitting for the mood I'm in. I'd much rather be at home sleeping in bed all day. I can guarantee that!

H decided to start blogging again so now I have to change her out to the side. Thanks H! Which is funny because I never really took her off. I'm cool like that yes. So sorry to everyone who tried to click on her and couldn't!

Anyway, I am really sad that Estelle Getty died. I always liked her and Golden Girls was one of my favorite shows. When I first moved to here, Em and I watched it every morning when she would be coming home from work and I would be getting ready to go to work.

H and I had a very long discussion about it and she did remind me she had dementia so it was probably for the best. And seeing as I only watch Golden Girls on reruns, I really can't be too upset. It's not Bones or HIMYM or Always Sunny in Philadelphia or the Dark Knight, where someone's presence would surely be missed. I miss the therapist from Monk, Stanley Kamel. You might also remember him as Dylan McKay's wife's Dad, Tony Marchette, who was in the mob and ultimately killed his daughter and not Dylan. Yeah. . .probably watch 90210 a little too much. It's on Soapnet so I can watch it every weekend morning!

Anyways, Sophia was by far my favorite character and ironically passed away when she was 84 and on the Golden Girls she was like 84 yet in real life was in her 60s or something. Thank you Estelle Getty for being my friend. For travelling down the road and back again. Your heart is true, you're a pal, and a confidante. And if you threw a party, and invited everyone you knew, you would see, the biggest gift would be from me and the card attached would say, "Thank you for being a friend."

Also I'd like to say why is it that sometimes we can't see what's in front of us? I mean are we really that blind?? I say this because basically the other night a friend was telling me what he was wanting/needing out of a relationship and basically it's everything I am and what I gave him for some time. It's too late now though. Ship has sailed on that one. But still, it kind of pissed me off and I was half-tempted to slap him and say, "YOU IDIOT!" But I refrained and am probably better for it. I let him buy me dinner though mainly because he hurt my feelings earlier.

H and I also had a very long discussion (Really, it was too long) about the whole Christian Bale and his mother and sister pressing assault charges on him. We both feel it's ridiculous. Anyway, I'm really upset that in every news thing, they never mention probably the best movie he's every been in. They mention Empire of the Sun, American Psycho, and of course, Batman. Hey news people, ever heard of a little movie called "The Newsies"?!? I mean seriously. Watch it if you haven't. I. Love. it. Dean Cain has actually called and quoted little diddies from it on my voicemail.


Anonymous said...

Dean Cain has actually called and quoted little diddies from it on my voicemail.

Wait, what? Did you just say Dean Cain? As in, Superman's only Asian Persuasion Superman? What diddies? What does this mean, he quoted diddies on your voicemail? Tell me!!!!

Idea #527 said...

Oh Angela. . . If only it were the TRUE Dean Cain. He's my number one. I've watched every movie/made for TV movie, horrible or not that he's been in.

Dean Cain is the code name my cousin H gave a guy that I was in extreme like with. Actually she gave it to him just when we had first started hanging out because Dean Cain is my #1 by far. And the guy at the time was a Super man. :)

If it was REALLY Dean Cain, I am pretty sure I would be married to him right now. :)
