Tuesday, May 13, 2008

What are the odds?!?

So. . . I know I keep saying I have all these posts to write and then I don't write them. I actually have been busy with my job. I mean really busy. It sucks!

Anyway, brief update. . . I went to Phoenix for work and this is where my story begins. I literally sat alone in the Phoenix airport for 6 hours. ALONE. After about 3 hours of reading my book and talking to people on the phone, I decided to head towards the martini bar next to my terminal. I sat watching a playoff game and ordered a double rum and diet and chatted with the bartender. I'm not sure if people know this or not but it's ALWAYS a good idea to make friends with the bartender. ALWAYS!

Well while talking to the bartender, this nice looking guy decides to move from the booth to sitting up at the bar next to me. Turns out, he's from Iowa too! And lives close to me! I think she thinks we would make a good match because she makes him and me keep drinking AND not only that asks us if we're both single. She also decides that we need to do shots with her--free of charge! And since I made friends with the bartender, after my initial double rum and diet, I paid cash for, she only charged me for ONE single rum and diet instead of my two doubles on the tab I started! WAHOO! So my flight and cute guy's flights are getting ready to take off and we head towards our terminals which are next to each other and I decide that he needs my number in case he ever gets to my city. And he said, "thanks, I didn't know how to ask for it!" (Update: He hasn't called, but he does travel 240 days a year, so I'm not really holding my breath!)

I should also take the time to let you all know that I hadn't eaten anything besides a cookie at the airport. The bartender warned me away from eating anything at the airport, so I just ate the banana I had while waiting for my flight to take off. And I had an overabundance of drinks in me. Hence the liquid courage to give the cute stranger my number. And instead of just passing out on the plane I become a chatty Cathy with my seat buddy. Who turns out was pretty cool. And apparently thought I would make a great match for her friend, who just happens to be a Cardiologist at the hospital and his name is Sunny. We exchanged cards. Well she exchanged cards, for some reason, I don't have any. I keep bringing this up with my boss because on all these proposals he sends me on, they ask for them, and I don't have any. Anyways, I get this email from her last week asking if I still would want to be set up and I say "Of course!" and well had he not been on call yesterday I could tell you about the blind date I had.

Now this is where the story gets. . . well. . . kind of funny. When I get home it starts to ring in my head. . . hmmm. . . Sunny. . . Cardiologist. . . and then it hits me: Crazy former neighbor lady got set up on a blind date with a cardiologist named Sunny. And she said they had awesome chemistry, blah, blah, blah. I really need to know the odds on this. Because really it could be quite frankly scary especially since people always tell me I know EVERYONE and am literally 4 degrees of separation away from people instead of the standard 6. (I would say the name of the game that goes something like 6 degrees of Separation from a certain movie star, but he creeps H* out for unknown reasons. . .)

Now I'm not sure if I've talked about Crazy lady but I know H has. And well. . . if this guy supposedly has chemistry with her, there is no way he and I are going to get along. We are in fact POLAR opposites. I mean BEYOND opposites. Besides the whole I'm normal and stable and she's not. In every sense of the word, we are opposites. Well last night my roommate was telling me that Crazy was telling her they'd been on 7 dates and he was a great kisser and whatnot. So roommie and I start talking about how we just can't figure out how anyone would be attracted to her and how if his friend is trying to set him up wouldn't she know that he's been on 7 dates with someone else in like a month's time?? 7 dates in one month would in fact constitute dating. I do realize unless you're me, then it's not. We're just friends who enjoy dinner alone together and he just happens to pay for my dinner just for the joy of my company. :) And well Crazy is known for her skills at exaggerating and lying and bending the truth, so we'll see if what she says is true.

Anyways, it will be interesting to see if this blind date actually happens. Because well, if it does, I will be SURE to ask if he's gone on any dates with her. And if he says, "Yes, 7." I'll say, "Sorry buddy. I'm not crazy. I hope you have a good run saving lives." You see it's not like she's your normal crazy either. She has no conversation filter. Or personality and is self-involved. And obsessed with money. And well many, many more things.

On a side note: Sarah and I are going to Colbie Caillet tonight! Wahoo! I just hope she doesn't play Bubbly. I liked it when I first heard it before it was popular but now can't stand it. I imagine since it was like the song that sky-rocketed her to fame, I'll be forced to hear it. Hopefully she'll play my other favorites too like Magic! :)

*I know I need to figure out that whole "linking" thing. . . Give me time people!!

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