Monday, May 12, 2008

Serious Subject

I need to take some time out and talk about something very serious:

Mindy McCready

What is the big deal about this woman?? I mean seriously. She had ONE hit song, maybe two. MAYBE. But she seems to be a man magnet and she really isn't that cute.

The main reason I do hate her is that the REAL Dean Cain (not to be confused with the stupid arse in my life) was engaged to her. I mean, I know in reality he broke it off with her when I was a sophomore in college, because, even though he didn't know it, he was in love with me and we are destined to be together.

But this woman. . . also had Roger Clemens when she was 15?? Besides being just GROSS and to top off steroid use Roger Clemens is also a pedophile. (I use the term pedophile because he was like 25 or so at the time. Perhaps I should just use super creepy) She's not ALL that. I mean seriously. I didn't even like her one hit wonder song "10,000 Angels".

Lately, the only thing she has been in the news for is for being arrested for prescription drugs or DUIs.

I'm at a loss people. Why does she keep coming up in the news?? A complete loss. . .

But at least it's not Paris Hilton. . . :)


alexa @clevelandsaplum said...

some girls are just like that. i mean she has got to have a magic woohaa or something. haha

Idea #527 said...

She must! It's the only thing I can come up with!

As my loving mother once said "Perhaps she is a brown bagger!" haha!!

Anonymous said...

Mindy comes across as a strange one.