Wednesday, March 26, 2008

She Said What?!?

I had originally written this in an email to my friends because it really disturbed me. I've decided to now make a post about it.

I watch the Biggest Loser sometimes and am really impressed by the people losing all the weight. However, Jillian Michaels scares me. She does. And now I realize, she is actually a very unhealthy person at heart. She might also have had an eating disorder at one time based on what she said in the article. Soo not good. Jillian, they have weight ranges for a reason!!! I was actually reading about her new workout tape and was actually considering buying it but not if she's wanting me to really starve myself!!!

Here is the excerpt from the article that made me re question her judgement:

Your body wants you to be a little flabby: “Taking off these last problem pounds requires discipline. You’re fighting you’re body’s natural chemistry,” she says. Your body wants to keep on an extra 10–15 pounds in case of famine, a long winter or other disasters that have plagued humans throughout history. Losing the last 10 pounds isn’t always about getting healthy in the same way losing 30 or 40 is. Sometimes, it’s about vanity, and for vanity, you have to make sacrifices. “Your body doesn’t want to shed that weight just because you are a narcissist and want to wear size two jeans,” she says. “You have to trick your body into thinking it’s a safe weight,” and that means plowing through the program without giving your body the chance to rebound back to its old weight.

She's 5'2". I always pictured her taller. But she's short. It just really disturbs me. And in all honesty, the weight doesn't necessarily matter as much as body fat percentage and whatnot in terms of being healthy. I teach a Pilates class, and the size 0 girl who is maybe 100lbs and two inches shorter than me, isn't as athletic as me. And isn't able to do the things that I can athletically. Well she can probably do more things than me now seeing as I'm an ankle short at the moment. . .

I'm not saying by any means I'm healthy and at a healthy BMI, but still. She's probably at a low BMI I would guess. "Healthy" not sure that's a great term. I'm not sure the term "vanity" should even be involved in weight loss. You should lose weight for the right reasons. Like you need to. Not because you want to so you can be deathly skinny. I'm just really sad to see a supposed health professional say that. It saddens me. . .

Stepping off my soap box now. . .


Captain Crab said...

Vanity.........stupid bitch!

oh, excuse my language.

Whiskeymarie said...

It's really shocking how messed up our ideas of body image are, as a society, these days.
I miss the late 80's-early 90's when women strove to look healthy and strong, not emaciated and sickly.