Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Girl Scout Cookies. . . Good or Evil??

My friend* Scott's daughter sold me girl scout cookies and he just brought them up to me. Now as you'll remember, I already got my first batch and have done well with only eating a few out of the one box.

As Scott handed me the cookies, he said "Try and not eat them all in one place." I laughed because he doesn't know how hard this might actually be. Well. . . unless I don't eat anything all day besides girl scout cookies.

On a side note: My stomach has shrunk some from the weight loss, so I can't quite gorge myself like I used to. Don't get me wrong. . . I have tried when I've been hung over and Dean on occasion tries to get me to eat more and really my stomach feels as if I am going to explode. Then of course I blame him for being ultra stuffed because as you well know, he held me down on the floor and shoved the extra food into my mouth and wouldn't let me up until I showed a clean mouth. This is also coming from the same guy who is tall and skinny and before we go out to eat will eat a frozen meal. And then when I get there and he's eating said meal, I'll say "Aren't we going out to eat?" and he'll say "Uh, it's a snack. We've got at least a 10 minute drive and 15 minute food wait."

So I ask Scott did his daughter make her goal. And he said "Yes, she sold 151 boxes and got the disco ball she wanted. So thank you for helping her get the disco ball which is more like a light thing that spins and has like mirrors on it and the girl scouts." So I can feel good about helping her and the girl scouts out but my body I don't think will be all that happy with me. . . :)

*I'm not sure how to classify Scott. We're definitely acquaintances but seem more than acquaintances since we do occasionally hang out outside the office building and we know personal things about each other and he genuinely cares if I'm doing okay. Plus he gets mad if my family comes into town and I don't bring them down to say hi. And he was the first to call out Dilldahl on their relationship. . . haha!! And asked me like a month later if they were dating yet! How cute!!

1 comment:

pj said...

The selling of Girl Scout cookies is an evil prostitution ring. And the cookies are crispy, foul tasting chemicals.