Monday, February 25, 2008

Dove Chocolate saying of the day

"Dare to Love Completely"

Thank you. I definitely needed to hear that! :) And I do. . . I try. . . I will try harder. . .

As for that two-parter I was going to do. . . yeah. . . not so much yet. I was up helping Dean study until 2am on Friday/Saturday morning and then was up around 8. YUCK. Then I needed to go spend sometime with my Gramps this weekend. So on Saturday, I took him out for an early birthday weekend. He'll be 83 on March 2nd. We went to Big Beve's. It was good. I think I surprised the waitress when I tipped $3 on a $13 meal. That's what I do in my neck of the woods and Gramps said I probably tipped her too much! But she was swamped and the only one working, so I felt bad.

Saturday night was game night at Dan's, so by the time I got back into town, I didn't have time to do anything besides make my cookies and get ready. We didn't leave Dan's until 1:30, and I was dying to know how Monk ended so I watched the finale I had taped on Friday, so I was probably up until 3am. Then on Sunday, I cleaned, bought a new vacuum, made some chili and cornbread, and Dean came over around 3, so I couldn't really write it when he was there. It's sort of about him and that would just be awkward! haha!! Plus after we ate, he helped me put together my new vacuum. AND I HAD to test it out and re-vacuum my entire place. And let me tell you: New vacuum=AWESOME. I'm glad I re-vacuumed!


pj said...

Had you ventured down to the bowling alley, I would have gotten to see you! (I was in a tournament.)

What kind of vacuum??

Idea #527 said...

I should have called! However, it was a Grandpa day seeing as I hadn't seen him for about 3 weeks due to the weather. We didn't even stop by Julie and Bob's like we normally do! haha!!

It is a Eureka Boss Smart Vac I think. I wanted one with both a bag and it has a hepa filter as well.