Tuesday, November 18, 2008


We have a problem. And it's you. It's not me. I liked you. I really liked you. In fact, I thought that I might have loved you. But recent events have caused me to question you. And my relationship with you. And how I thought I knew the real you. Everything was happy, and then you just went and disappointed me. And left me scarred.

Speidi?? Really?? As a guest? You can't even call them guests really. Nor can you call them actual people. Spencer makes me kind of gag in my mouth. And Heidi. . . well. . . they are worse than Paris Hilton. And that's really saying a lot. I feel their 15 minutes of fame are up and you HIMYM are just helping and enabling them.

It hurts that you would choose them in a way over me. We had something and you made it cheap. I'm not saying I won't stay close to you. . . I'm just saying it's going to be hard to go back to where things were. It will take awhile. Give me some time to work through my issues and then I'll re-evaluate where we are at. But until then, I'm holding a grudge.



1 comment:

alexa @clevelandsaplum said...

i DIED when i saw that. but ya know what? im kinda excited to see it.

the shame the shame