Thursday, October 2, 2008

Relationship 101

Now in life relationships are confusing. Especially the ones I tend to get myself into. Or "weird and awkward friendships" if you will.

However, just because you are curious as to what the new girl in your friend's life looks like and are concerned as to what she looks like, DOES NOT mean (H-talking to you) that you are still in love with that person and want them back.

The reason you care is because you want one of a few scenarios to occur, since he doesn't want to be with you:
1) You want him to be with someone prettier than you but someone that is bitchy so his life is miserable. (Check that one! haha!)
2) You want him with someone that is equally as attractive as you are but is definitely more bitchy than you.
3) You want him to be with someone that is either prettier or just as pretty but who is also slutty and makes out with random people at the bar.

You DO NOT want them to be with someone who is nice and less attractive than you are.

Because if this is the case, people usually go for looks and then personality. . . so why on earth does he not want to be with you? What's wrong with you if you are definitely prettier than the person he is with? Because well frankly you are known for your awesome personality.

Your personality is great. It's your thing. You are a ray of light in an otherwise dark room. (This is what Wyatt always tells me. He says "I need my light to come and visit!") You light up the room whenever you walk in. You can tell your Grandpa and Dad they are being absolutely crabby people but they never get mad at you. My aunt says this is a gift because I am the only person she has ever known who can do this. But I digress. . .

Now I am just wondering. . . what was wrong with me??

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