Friday, October 3, 2008

Friday weird things. . .

I'll probably be adding more to this during the day since it is only 9am. . . but I came across this article and had to share.

I also for some reason became very excited that this was even possible. And weirded out that I drink this when I am hungover. Which would then explain why it might be a cure all for entirely different reasons.

But then good ole Snopes had to prove it wrong. . . for the most part.

I was just thinking that I found a cure for teenage pregnancy and was going to spread the word on this cheap, affective birth control. But. . . so, so, so wrong.

Also I had a flashback from a really, really horrible story my grandpa told me involving a relative of mine (and PJ's and H's) and a coke bottle. Thanks Gramps. . . still mentally warped from it!!!

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