Friday, May 29, 2009

Things you shouldn't IM your 16-year-old cousin

A says:
Yeah. . .and we know she sleeps around
A says:
A says:
With whomever.
A says:

Whoops! Wrong person!!!

This is in response to her telling me she's dog sitting her sister's dog Bullet. I was meaning to respond to my friend Sarah who was having me look at a picture of a guy I maaaay have had drunken relations with a couple of years ago when he was new in town. (Sorry Mom!) He was hanging out with a waitress from one of our favorite bars who is more or less like the town bicycle. Every one has had a ride. Not that there is anything wrong with that, but I'm pretty sure she may or may not have something involving STDs. She told me one day, when I randomly parked in front of her house to go to my friend's house, that she was on her way to go screw his neighbor, which she does sometimes two-three times a day, because it's some of the best sex she has ever had. And the guy she picked up from the bar had just left. And yes, people tell me random stuff like that all the time. Which wouldn't really be all that bad if she and I hung out outside of the bar setting. This was at 11am. On a Sunday. So yes, I totally judged her!!!

In case you were wondering, the proper response to my cousin should have been "Did you take him over to see Gramps?!?"

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