I added my Dad so he wasn't left out.
#3 Guys are still confusing.
My two cases: Dean broke up with his girlfriend and didn't tell me until I asked what he was getting her for Valentine's Day. Yet, he called me that day to tell me about his 6-month review at his new job but couldn't call me when he broke up with his girlfriend 4 days earlier?!? Dan said that's normal guy stuff. I disagree. I had a friend tell me by text that he thought he was back on the market a couple of weeks ago. And we aren't near as close of friends as Dean and I are.
Wine Rep last night told my friend who was in town last night that he was "waiting for me to propose to him." Yep. I just don't get him nor understand him and his touchy-ness for me. If you don't want to date me, Don't call me "sweetie" and kiss the top of my head from behind when you leave me.
#4 I find out by March 30th if we won the proposal and I may or may not have a job come July 1st. This basically means my life as I know it will change FOREVER. I am not sure if I can handle knowing that in a month. I guess whatever will be, will be.
#5 I still loathe Paris Hilton
#6 My friend actually made the comment to me when I hadn't seen him in a while that perhaps I should stalk him on Facebook to see what he's been up to.
#7 Bachelorette Parties are not NEAR as much fun when you have a cold and can't drink as much. And everyone else is WAY drunk. And the Maid of Honor is Bitchy. And you may or may not have wanted to punch her in the face many times.
#1 Your mom and her sister do not look EXACTLY alike. The sweat suit story is kind of twin like, though.
#2 The photo would have been cuter without Grandpa.
#3 Boys are stupid.
#4 Your life is always "changing forever" according to the choices you make on a daily basis. Losing a job just means different opportunities.
#5 Not going to waste time with it.
#6 FB stalking is a good way to stalk.
#7 Har, har, har! Sweet A all ticked off. That would have been worth the price of admission.
You forgot to mention that someone PEED in the bar.
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