Wednesday, April 16, 2008

So. . . You're at work???

Yep. . . . and guess what?? I decided to not do work at this current moment and write something.

I'm training a guy from Miami this week and to be honest I should be getting work done while he isn't training with me. Oh well!! Wouldn't be the first time I've avoided work and probably won't be the last. :)

Things that aren't a good idea:

Me supposedly starting softball tomorrow night. I'm not sure if I've mentioned it here or not but I sprained my ankle. BAD. Oh I've mentioned it?!? That's right. . . I seem to remember a little something. . . I'm also supposed to have a game on Sunday. Do you think my team will understand if I don't bat? Or run? Stairs are still painful and walking is still somewhat difficult. I'm screwed but not in the good way.

I do have some stories from this last weekend. . . I'll try and get them typed up just so you can wait with anticipation on the following topics: Josie and Lisa's Bachelorette Party.



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