Tuesday, April 1, 2008

And you think YOU have problems???

I sometimes wonder if there is a clumsy gene. If there is, I have it and will more than likely pass it on to my children and my children's children.

Don't get me wrong, I'm pretty athletic. (I mean, well, for being as clumsy as I am! I'm kidding!) I do have great coordination if you exclude recent events. I can walk and chew gum at the same time. Pat my head and rub my stomach. Dance while I'm driving. Talk on my phone and walk around my house and do chores. Whistle while I work. The list is endless people. ENDLESS.

However, clumsy or klutzy moments, or dare I say, complete moments of stupidity strike me all the time. (Recent examples with say Dean perhaps. . .) After this happened, I had to call H right away at work and tell her about it.

Let me set the scene: I'm walking out of the building where I was meeting with our client. In order to leave the building you must walk through a set of double doors and then two automatic folding doors.

Pretty simple right??

So, this nice gentleman is holding the one door of the double doors for me and well since I'm obviously not walking as fast a normal person should, he is standing there for quite sometime. So then he decides to hit the handicap button instead so the door will stay open for me. When I get to the door, I turn and say "Thank you!" To which he nods his head and says "you're welcome" and as he says this I run into the other door that's not open with my shoulder. HARD. I might not walk fast people but I walk with force.

I think he had to be laughing ALL the way up the stairs to his office. He had to of. The force of the hit almost knocked me off balance.

And then I can only do what I do best. I laugh at myself. Because seriously, if you were me, you really have to. My life is a running joke. And sometimes. . . it's sprinting!


1 comment:

Captain Crab said...

That is not called a clumsy gene (I'm going to get in trouble for this), it's called a J...... gene.

Ask H and PJ