Thursday, April 17, 2008

So you want to be in the movies??

They are filming a movie "Peacock" here. It stars Ellen Page and Cillian Murphy*

I want to be an extra. I have always wanted to be in the movies and my mother always said I was a good drama queen. . .

*I'm not sure of his last name. . . he's the Scarecrow in Batman Begins and the creepy guy in Red Eye with Rachel McAdams.


Captain Crab said...

To be an extra, you have to do that thing that you are doing in your profile picture.

alexa @clevelandsaplum said...

i wanna play!!!!!

can i be an extra too?

Idea #527 said...

Captain--I will try. I actually did the face to one of my friends when she was down. I don't think she's stopped laughing!!

Alexa--Sure! You'll have to come west a few states though! I will do my best at stalking though.