Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Odds and Ends

First things first: Charlie Sheen has completely lost it. I have always been a Charlie Sheen fan since his really brief appearance in Ferris Bueller's Day Off. And I loved him in Lucas. I really liked him in Spin City. I liked how he never pretended to be someone he wasn't. He was always open with his drug use and his love of hookers. But now, I'm pretty sure he's lost it. I don't watch Two and Half Men a lot, but I did catch a recent episode, and he looked unhealthy. Oh and he's pretty much spouting "crazy".

Secondly, my Dove Chocolate saying the other day, I think really helped me.

It said "Happiness is in the heart, not in the circumstances." Thank you Dove Chocolate for being so profound. Granted, the one I had before that said "You are Delicious" and I contemplated using that as my new pick up line. I do know some pretty delicious people out there.

My parents took Butch back to IL with them yesterday. It was soo sad when I came home yesterday and he wasn't there. And all of his stuff was gone. When I got back from my friend's house, it was even more sad since he wasn't there to cuddle with me. I texted one of my guy friends that and he offered to come over and snuggle with me in his place. I told him he would have to curl up into a tiny ball right next to me, so it might not be the most conducive sleeping situation for him. For some reason, my roommate doesn't jump up and down in excitement when I come home either. She did say that she would do that if I wanted her to, but she drew the line at humping other dogs like Butch did. Ohhh how he loved to hump other dogs. :)

If I could guarantee another dog would have the same chill demeanor that Butch does, I would get a dog in a heart beat. But alas, I don't know another dog (especially a Yorkie) that was soo calm and overall a pretty good dog like he was. Granted, while he loved to play Fetch, he doesn't exactly get the part of Fetch where you bring the toy back. He goes and gets it and then runs behind you and plays with it. haha!

I also have a mystery on my hands. Someone commented on my blog anonymously. . . and they called me by the name my family does. And I can't figure out who it is. Thank you for the advice though!

Other than that. . .all is well. . . :)

1 comment:

Sarah said...

1)Charlie Sheen is nuts.
2)Dove is wise.
3)Gotta love a little anonymous comment mystery…'twas wise advice.
4)You can borrow my dog anytime you want!

That’s all, love you! :)