Thursday, March 10, 2011

You CAN learn something every day!

If I could give you one piece of wisdom or advice. . . it's going to be what I'm about to say.

I just read it in an article and if it's true. . . I have just helped you all out.

I was always a firm believer in drinking a Coca-Cola--(I'm talking a real coke, no diet) when I was hungover. For the most part, this always made me feel better. I had other people tell me the same thing. So I thought, hey, maybe it's a real cure. I mean, I could just not drink and then I wouldn't have to worry about that whole thing whatsoever. . . but who wants to do that??? And I'm told how much more fun I am drunk.

Anyway, apparently researchers tested the extract of this vegetable to human liver cells and it produces more of the enzyme that your liver uses to rid your body of the alcohol to begin with!!

So. . . what is that vegetable you ask?? Asparagus. ASPARAGUS.

I don't know about you. . . but I already feel better after I eat asparagus. I mean, my pee smells, but my body naturally feels better.

I mean, asparagus is already considered a major cleansing and healing vegetable because it's high in antioxidants. They say eating asparagus every day can help ward off cancer and help aid in heart disease. It's high in folate (folic acid) and potassium. And folic acid is great for pregnant women. And asparagus is a good source of Vitamin C and a good source of fiber. I mean really, asparagus??

So. . . not only does asparagus help me with protecting my body. . . it can cure my hangover!

I mean granted, I'm hit or miss when it comes to having a hangover, but when I do. . . I'm really going to make sure that I have asparagus in an omelet or something!! :)

The More You Know!!! (Picture me with a wand or something circa mid-90s NBC)

1 comment:

alexa @clevelandsaplum said...

and now i need to go buy some asparagus!