Monday, October 19, 2009

I have some issues. . .

So I was going through my Posts and realized I have started and not completed about 10 of them. 10 you say?? Yes. 10. Wait maybe 7. . . there's more than just 5 anyway! Who does that?!?

And now, being months and months later, it seems kind of foolish to finish them you know?? Like I tell you that I'm writing something and then I don't post it or finish the last sentence for some reason. . . and it's not like my readers are mad that I haven't finished them. Unless you are. . . then comment, and I'll finish all my posts that I never actually posted and still show as Drafts.

One was from my friend Kaci's wedding. . . one from May when my friend Meghan visited. . . I mean seriously. Maybe I just don't like finishing things anymore. Or maybe I am trying too hard to be witty?? I don't now. . . in life, witty comes to me. . . in writing. . . I struggle a little.

Anyway, my IL friends come to visit on FRIDAY!! Can you tell I'm excited!?!? I can't wait. It sucks Sarah can't come. . . mainly because she's set to give birth any day now. She jokingly said that maybe she could have the baby like on Wednesday and then be all set to come on Friday! haha!! Oooh if only it worked like that!!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Phrases I wish my Father would not say to me . . .

I love my Dad. I do. I get him. He's funny. He's moody. He's extremely generous. He can be a pain in everyone's a$$ sometimes. . . you know. . . typical male. :) Oh and did I mention he says extremely inappropriate things to his daughter(s)??? Or will send me dirty jokes??

I think I have mentioned that I have a pretty close knit family. Extended and Immediate.

So my Dad called to see how my 2nd date went with the one guy. I tell him and he says "Well yeah, I mean, it's the 2nd date, he should be trying to get into your pants by now."

I say "DAD!!!"

And then he laughs hysterically and says "What?!? It's the 2nd date. By the 1st date, I'd be already trying to figure out ways to get into your pants!"

"DAD!! Seriously! I'm your daughter!!! Your baby girl!!! Really??? That's what you say to me??"

Laughing. "You're cute. I'm just saying. He should be trying to get into your pants and you into his. I mean if he's not trying, he might just not like women."

"DAD! This conversation is wrong on soo many levels. First of all, I don't consider myself a slut, so I wouldn't be trying to sleep with him on the 2nd date. And I do appreciate the fact when guys don't try to do that to me."

"Are you telling me you like women?" Laughs.

"No. I'm just saying, I'm apparently not as easy as you think I am!!"

"Just checking. You're not getting any younger. And you do have a lot of guy friends. Maybe you're just sleeping with them!!"

"Dad, we are done talking about my sex life."

"What sex life?? The guy didn't even try to get into your pants on the 2nd date!!" Laughing hysterically again.

"Dad, I'm done talking. How are you feeling???"

I mean seriously. He's my Dad. Do I have a sign on me that says "Please Dad and Gramps, say inappropriate things to me."

Thursday, October 8, 2009

What to do. . . What to do. . .

My dear friend asked me today what I was wanting to do for my birthday. . . the dreaded 30th Birthday. And the truth is. . . I don't know.

What I feel like doing is curling up in a ball and crying myself to sleep.

She said that she needs to know so we can start planning something. She doesn't want my birthday to come and go and me wish that I had a party and be disappointed that I didn't.

I can't even figure out what to be for Halloween, let alone figure out what I want to do for my birthday. I don't even know what to do with my life!

I feel bad that in recent months I've been a Debbie Downer on this blog. I can't help it. But as I grow closer to my 30th bday, I realize more and more that my life is no where, where I thought it would be. I am doing nothing that I thought at the age of 21 that I would be doing when I reached 30.

What I thought I would be doing:
  • I would be a Dr in Sports Medicine.
  • I would be happily married to my prince charming.
  • I may or may not have a kid or 2.
  • I would be happy in life.
  • I would be happy in my career.
  • I would be settled.

In case you were keeping track. . . my life isn't anywhere near that. I think the important thing is that on the first one, I realized that I am pretty sure that's not where I want to be. The other 5, I'm pretty sure that's what I want. Maybe not now even. And I know when I was 25, and I saw my former prince charming getting married. . . I realized that's not what I wanted at the time, so maybe that's good. I would just take being happy and settled. But. . . I'm not even feeling that lately.

I do know H said that she feels I am doing surprisingly well for my recent circumstances. And I say thank you. I'm glad to know that it's perfectly normal to cry almost every night albeit a lot more recently.

And as much as I complain about my life I am so thankful for those people that are in my life. I'm thankful for my wonderful family, my wonderful friends (well some of them are more wonderful than others lately *cough, cough), and that I am in good health (knock on wood). I am thankful for the people that I had the chance to know that are no longer with me, and I think that because of them I am a better person.

And maybe it's hard because Josie won't be here to celebrate my birthday like she had for so many years. I don't know. And maybe it's hard for me because I'm not that person that thinks about myself. I think it's sort of a fault of mine. I'm so used to thinking of other people and used to doing things for other people rather than myself, that it's hard for me to think of things for myself.

Would just telling her to surprise me be appropriate???

Wednesday, October 7, 2009


So. . . I'm going on a 3rd date. . .after the not so promising 2nd date. . . maybe 3rd time's a charm??? Or am I just that desperate to find love?? It could be a combo of both. But I also think it's because everyone keeps saying maybe one more time. . . . My friend also said "Well hey, Free Meal, right??" To which I replied. . . "He didn't even buy me frickin ice cream after I made him dinner. . . so not really sure that whole "Free Meal" thing would exist!!"

But back to more important things. . . like this. . .

In case you're lazy and don't want to click on the button. . . here is the Cliff's Note version:

This kid started stealing around age 12/13 and now is 18 years-old. In 2007, he was sentenced to a juvenile facility and was doing well so they released him to a half-way house where he escaped. And now, for the last 18 months he's been stealing money, etc and now has started to steal airplanes and take them for joy rides. The cops have been unable to catch him.

But just in case you were wondering. . .here is what his Mom had to say about her child's behaviors:

His mother said she doesn't see anything wrong with what he's suspected of doing. "I hope to hell he stole those airplanes — I would be so proud," Pam Kohler told a reporter, noting her son's lack of training. "But put in there that I want him to wear a parachute next time."

And then this gem:
Kohler hopes her son makes his way to a country that won't extradite him. She said she sometimes talks to him on the phone, but she won't let on if she knows where he is.
"I figure I'll spend my time with him in a positive way," she said, "because who knows if he'll be shot tomorrow?"

Well, maybe it's just me. . . but while it sounds fun what he is doing much like the movie, shouldn't your parental instincts tell you, "Hey, I want to spend my time with him in a positive way and not be shot, so maybe I should just have him turn himself in so it doesn't come to that." Or say so he doesn't DIE in a plane crash?? I do understand jail isn't what you would call "positive" but still. . . I bet his Mom is getting some of this money he's stealing . . .

Sunday, October 4, 2009

The 411 on my date. . .

I feel bad that D$ and I have been playing phone tag and that she said "Well you haven't even updated your blog either and I'm dying to know!!" So. . . here it is. . . (Hopefully you'll read this after work tonight. . .)

To say I was disappointed in my date would be an understatement. And maybe I'm too picky and expect too much for the 2nd date. . . but also, isn't the 2nd date where you're trying to win me over??

Here's what we did:
He was already at my place when I got home from work. I made the cheese bread/tomato thing that I had talked about on Date #1 that he wanted to try. We ate it. We talked. I asked him what he wanted to do and he said "I don't care." And since I didn't want to just sit around my house on the 2nd date, I suggested going to the bar and playing pool, darts, or SilverStrike. So we went to one of my favorite dive bars and played 6 games of darts in which I beat him in every game. :) I'm really not the type to let people beat me. . . unless it's children. I'll usually lose to children. We went and got ice cream then came home and he left around 9ish because he had to be at work at like 7am the next day. So. . .

Here's why I'm not sure there will be a 3rd date:
  • He said he wasn't hungry for dinner after we had the appetizer which was fine, but I might have still been hungry. (Am I wrong??)
  • I gave him a Laffy Taffy. . . and he didn't read me the joke. I had eaten mine after he ate his and read him my jokes yet he didn't even make mention that he didn't read me his. They are Laffy Taffy's. . . they have frickin jokes! (Not necessarily a deal breaker though.)
  • While he did buy the pitcher and 3 out of the 6 games of darts, he did not buy my ice cream when we went to get ice cream. Even though I made him dinner AND gave him the leftovers to take home. He did not spend the $2.94 for my ice cream. I thought this was weird. We were on a date. My guy friends buy me pitchers.
  • He didn't even try and dress up for the 2nd date. He wore a hooded sweatshirt. Which really isn't a big deal to me what you wear and say if I knew you already and it wasn't our 2nd meeting. I mean TRY a little for the 2nd date. I should have just put on a sweatshirt too!
  • He didn't hug me goodbye and I had at least been consciously trying to flirt all night!!
  • I'm still not feeling the physical attraction to him.

Of course, these might seem pretty petty in not really liking someone. But I'm thinking that if I was physically attracted to him that maybe it wouldn't matter. But even my friend Jeremy said that he should have bought the ice cream. I think that's the one that gets me the most. And Jeremy is the one that asked what he wore on the date. Haha! I think he was just seeing if the guy was trying everywhere else. Jeremy also didn't get the not reading of the Laffy Taffy. As did the complete random stranger in the bathroom at the bar on Friday night after Jamie followed me into the bathroom basically yelling at me. But that's for later. . .

What also gets me is how some of my friends feel it's okay that guys don't try on dates. If you're trying on the date, shouldn't the guy try?? I mean, if I was dating someone where I knew he was tight on money, would I expect him to buy the ice cream? No. But he's got a lot of money. He's a pharmacist. And he's been living with his parents the last 3 years saving up to build a house. So yes, he's got money. And I'm the one that made the dinner. He brought the tomato from his Dad's garden and a loaf of french bread. I supplied the cheese, miracle whip, and seasoning as well as made and cooked the meal. So I basically contributed the most to the original "meal." Am I wrong?? Do I not deserve some wining and dining?

Now for my Friday night. . . I was out for Jamie's birthday and while pretty much everyone told me that I should wait and see if he calls me (which by the way he did. . . on Friday night. . . a day later) Jamie basically got mad at me for not even really wanting to try a 3rd date. Her husband agreed with me, especially because I wasn't feeling it. But Jamie felt (very firmly) that I needed to have a 3rd date because she doesn't want me to be alone anymore and wants me to get married and have babies. Then she followed me into the bathroom and brings up Dean. As in Dean is the reason that I'm not attracted to this guy. Which probably didn't help that Dean brought the new girl he's seeing out. And I said "Well I can name on both hands, guys that I am attracted to that I have met in the last 4 months, and I'm not attracted to this guy at the moment." And she said "Whatever" and walked out of the bathroom. So that's when I apologized to the person in the other stall and told her what was up. And she agreed with me. Her actual deal breaker was the Laffy Taffy! hahaha!!!!

So that's it. That's all I have. Any advice?? I'm going to call him back and try a 3rd date. But if I'm still not feeling it, I don't think that I can go out with again. And maybe it's because I'm not in the same frame of mind I was 2 months ago. But I would think that I would still feel love if it was around me you know?? Plus I keep going back to Wine Rep and although he was a full blown douche bag, he really did wine and dine me. Literally. I would get meals, drinks, and cases of wine. Sometimes, I would just get wine. Whenever. By the case. . . so. . . perhaps I'm just wanted to be treated like a princess for awhile. Is that wrong??

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Date #2

Tonight is Date #2!! Or did you not get that from the title??

Well I'm hoping it goes well. . . I also love the things my friends' have given me for advice.

My neighbor and friend Mike just emailed me with this "Hope you have fun tonight, our game got canceled so I'll be sitting on my deck having a PBR and holding my softball bat in my lap when he comes to get you..." That's sooo sweet!

There are a few things that exist though with this guy.

One is that I'm not 100% sure I'm physically attracted to him. But am assured that this might not happen right off the bat. I hope so. The girls told me to wait until after the 3rd date to see. My guy friends said the 5th. Do you notice something different???

Two is that I suggested cooking but really wasn't wanting to cook. He is bringing me tomatoes so I can make the tomato thing I was telling him about. I was told that I should make that as an appetizer and then make him take me out to dinner. I tend to agree. Do I really want to sit around my place all night on the 2nd date??? No.

Third is that I have no idea what to do. It's raining outside and cold. I guess no walks outside tonight. Perhaps we can go to Karaoke somewhere.

Fourth is that Mac brought up that I should not mention Dean whatsoever. I did already pre-mention that I have a lot of guy friends as I have noticed that this can be a problem with some guys. I did not mention Dean. I guess Dean and I have some sort of weird friendship that other guys might find threatening. Whatever.

Fifth is that my friend told me today that I haven't been myself. I'm not my happy, chipper self which she knows why and says that I'm allowed to be that way. Which I know I'll grow out of and H said that she's sure my bubbly self will pull through when I'm on my date. I hope so. I hate to think he's meeting the downer me. Or the fake happy me. Which I know I am not myself right now, but do you really tell the guy on the 2nd date "Oh hey, by the way, my close friend died about 5 weeks ago. I'm not really myself right now. Hope you can deal with it!!" Yeah. . . probably not.

I don't have a sixth. Let's hoping it goes well!!!