Tuesday, December 16, 2008

It's snowing and -6 degrees. . . and you??

Whenever the weather is crappy and people ask how I am, I always tell them the weather so they can make the judgement as to how I am. I also do this when I'm stuck at work on nice days except I add that I'm also stuck at work.

I LOVE snow. I hate snow when I have to drive in it. BOOOO. But I've said this before, so I hate to be a broken record.

My Mom told me that I need to change my facebook profile pic to something that I look pretty in. She said that I just don't look pretty in my picture. My glasses aren't on my face fully, my hair is a mess. . . and I'm holding a penis cookie. So I changed it to this:

H made the comment that the picture is MUCH better. Now I just look like an alcoholic. I told her, while that is true, it's actually a really cool picture because while I am completely not moving, it looks like everyone else behind me is moving really fast. It's artistic. :)

Wine Rep made the comment on Friday night when I suggested that I just make dinner on Sunday as opposed to going out for dinner that he may need to find out my ring size and go ring shopping instead. Yes, it creeped me out. And on Sunday when we had tentative plans (not even fully fledged plans) he actually let me know that after his wine tasting that if he didn't call me, he was having to help his friend finish moving. This is what I call progress. And no, I'm not falling hook, line, and sinker yet!

Dean made the comment last week that he misses all the people he and I used to hang out with. And on Saturday night I hung out with all those people and told them that. They didn't seem to care too much seeing as Dean was the one that broke my heart. And I didn't have the heart to tell him on Saturday night when he asked what I was up to when he got off work to tell him that. And I know last year he made the comment about how much he liked everyone but they were my friends and I said "No, they're your friends too." Which at the time was accurate because the guys would call him to hang out now and then. No matter how awesome you are, if then you go and break this girl's heart, you can forget that my friends would talk to you again. But I would never tell him that either.

I love Joel McHale from The Soup.

I think I might have a girl crush on Chelsea Handler as well. I keep staying up to watch Chelsea Lately instead of going to sleep. I need help. And why is she so funny?!?

My neighbor ran into my cousin MJ at the bar on Saturday night and told her that I'm super nice and. . .she's not. haha!

I love HIMYM and the Naked episode still is probably the funniest yet.

Did I mention it's colder than all get out here and snowing?? Not as cold as yesterday but cold.

1 comment:

pj said...

Quit whining. It's 8 above in DM now and only 4 here.

Love the profile pic. It looks like a Price Is Right model showing me a lovely prize.