Sunday, January 27, 2008

Yep. . . It's no wonder I'm warped. . .

So. . . being the fantabulous grand daughter imaginable, I go and visit my grandfather about every weekend, weather permitting, of if there is something I need to get done on a Saturday.

Anyway, this weekend, the weather was nice, I didn't have any plans, and I hadn't seen my grandpa in two weeks, so I ventured up to see him. Well grandpa and I were making our usual small talk, mainly him telling me old stories and things he did throughout the last couple of weeks and basically me saying "Yes", "Uh Huh", "Really?!?", "I did not know that!", and "that's good news!" I should state, I love my grandpa dearly, but I think he could very easily just carry on a conversation by himself and doesn't really need other people there. So in the "conversation" he's also telling me how well his doctor appointment went but his eczema has come back and is now on his ass in a couple of spots. Well then he decides he's hungry, and we go and make lunch. Well as I'm in the kitchen cleaning up the dishes, he starts telling me about the eczema again, and before I know it, my grandfather has dropped trough and is showing me his bare ass in the middle of the kitchen so I can see where it is exactly. My response, "Can you reach it at least to put the cream on it??" "Yep!" says Gramps. Then I say, "Well that's good." Then Grandpa proceeds to pull his pants back up.

Images I will probably never get out of my mind EVER: My grandfather's bare ass.

I'm glad I could share!!


Captain Crab said...

I bet that was exciting!

What did you make for lunch?*

*I'm able to forget the ass thing pretty fast, eh?

Idea #527 said...


We made hamburgers. Gramps loves hamburgers. He'd just picked them up from the locker! :)


Whiskeymarie said...

Oh sweet Jeebus, I think I would be scarred for life.
But it is pretty freaking funny...