Sunday, December 2, 2007

So. . . You need a job???

The worst part about firing someone: Finding someone to take their place.

I had about nine interviews and some people were fantastic, which made my decision harder. Then there was the guy who couldn't remember the company name or my name. Needless to say, he was not who I chose. And then after I had it narrowed down to who was qualified, I also had to find someone who would get along with the group. I'm a small office--4 people all the time, 5 every Monday or sporadically during the week, and sometimes once a month, there's 7. So, I needed to find someone who's personality would mesh. And the girl I fired, was a nice person, although she always had a lot of drama and seemed to lie quite frequently, we could all go downstairs and have a drink after work if need be. And towards the end, everyone in the office was getting quite fed up with her always repeating things and really, the all out lies she would tell. (This is also why I didn't really ever call her back or worry about the messages she left. I just don't know what to believe because I think she's definitely making up stuff.) But alas, I finally hired someone and ironically it was the very last girl I interviewed. I had a tough choice because I really liked this one girl, but I wasn't sure if she could handle the guy that works in our office. He takes something to get used to. Anyway, everything went well and I'm thinking, "Great, this just made my decision even harder", she says on the way down the elevator, "When my husband and I were driving by last night he turned to me and said 'Oh that's going to be trouble, working above a brewery.'" So that's when I knew she was the one to hire! haha!

So what also sucked the last month is, having to do two people's jobs and I am not really sure I was doing my job all that well. I did a fantastic job at the job that isn't mine though! The sucky part was all the catching up I had to do instead of actually doing the new caseload that was piling up with the job. It's not been fun to say the least. But I guess that's life. The good thing is that the new person starts in a couple of weeks, so maybe during the first of the year, my job life will get back to normal. . . perhaps. . . :)

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