Monday, May 17, 2010

Send me on my way. . . .

I don't know why but that Rusted Root song is in my head. . . I don't know why. But now, dear readers, it can be in YOUR head! :)

Things that have happened to me since I last wrote. . . (and I'm not counting Mother's Day!)

I am closing on my house May 24th!! EEEEEKKKKK!!! This maybe one of the scariest things I have ever done on my own. I am completely terrified and excited all at the same time. I won't be all moved in until the first weekend in June though, but nonetheless, I need to get packing now. Yeah, I should have most everything packed. I do not. :)

I won tickets and a private concert with the band NeedtoBreathe. Click here if you don't know who they are. But they are awesome and are very talented!! And put on one helluva show! :)

I had an awkward moment at my favorite Mexican place with Kattie. Dean was seated with his girlfriend at the table right next to our booth. His back was right next to me the whole night. I held off pushing or kicking it. You see either he has turned into a complete and utter jerk (Or always has been) or his girlfriend doesn't let him call or hang out with me. And I thought we were friends. It's weird. I've never had a break up with a friend. Well once I did, but it's because she moved away and became a little crazy. . . so. . . not my fault. Then the next week Kattie ran into her ex-boyfriend. We decided we are never going there on Thursdays ever again even if it IS our favorite place.

My nephew is still adorable.

My Grandpa still rocks. I get off the phone with him sometimes, and I just want to squeeze him!

Did I mention I'm closing on my house?!? EEEKK!! I looked at about 80+ houses, I hope this one is good!

Apparently, one of my favorite guys got married over the weekend. I will always love you Jensen Ackles. :)

I also noticed I'm over a few things:

  • Facebook--I post status updates from my phone now and then and comment on status updates but I don't look at people's profiles anymore. Not sure why either. It's weird. I used to LOVE it!!!

  • Rachel Uchitel--I wasn't ever really fascinated with her, but now that it's come out that one of my favorite people (David Boreanaz) was in an affair with her, I really just want to punch her in the face. Now I'm not getting on my soap box of how cheating is wrong as I have been pursued by a married man before and heavily contemplated the risks involved, but in the end, if the roles were reversed, I'd kill the other woman. Plus he can't give you what a real relationship should. His time and energy. And I'd been cheated on before and it's not fun. And if he's married, he's automatically cheating on you all the time. Anyway, what gets me about her is that she made the statement that David pursued her. Really?!? I find it funny that married men keep pursuing you. You're not cute. But what's even funnier, is that she wanted to blackmail him to keep quiet. And according to the texts that were "leaked" she got pissed at him for spending time with his WIFE. Yeah, so that tells me that you're an idiot. Unless the guy has an open marriage, his first priority will most likely always be his wife. I wonder if Jensen Ackles has an open marriage. I'd be for that! :) Anyway, you're stupid and I'm upset that you have now extended your prior 15 minutes of fame. If you accept money for sex, you're a prostitute. I'm not sure what it's called when you ask for hush money to keep quiet though for having sex. Either way, here's a heads up famous men, if Rachel Uchitel asks to sleep with you, run away. Far, far away.

  • Lindsay Lohan--There really isn't anything else to say besides whoever is her keeper is a complete idiot. What manager in their right mind would tell her to go to Cannes when her court date was soo soon?!? I hope she goes to jail and not the jail famous people go to for less than 24 hours because the jail is supposedly overcrowded. I mean, she needs to go there for like a year. That girl apparently thinks she's above the law seeing as she missed depositions and was late for one she actually showed up for. Her Mom should be fired. She already fired her Dad.

I do realize that the post date on this will say Monday. But I started to write it and just now got back to it. So it's Friday, and I'm not even close to being done packing. YUCK. I wanted to be mostly packed and ready to go besides my furniture. I have to dog sit overnight for Max E. Pad* on Tuesday, but then on Wed, I'm hoping to have the majority of my boxes moved. Can I just say I hate moving, and since I've lived at my current place for 3 1/2 years, it's ridiculous?!?

When I was packing I came across these polaroid pictures from when Josie, John, and I went boating when they were trying to set me up with that one guy. They were great pics of Josie and I. I miss her. I'm sure she'd like my house. Maybe I can still get John to visit!!

Happy Weekend Everyone!!

*I call my friend Sarah and Mike's dog Max, Max E Pad because I find it hilarious. Sarah does too. Mike does not. haha!

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Happy Mother's Day!!

Happy Mother's Day to all the Mommies out there!!

Happy Mother's Day to mine too! While I am sad that I couldn't be there with you this weekend, I hugged and kissed you through the phone this morning. Hopefully the flowers I sent meant a lot to you and when you look at them, you know I'm there in spirit!

Love you Mom!! Thank you for all you do.

Love, me