Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Put a Fork in it. . . I'm done!

Lately, I feel the news seems to revolve around 3 things:

  • Sanduskey and Penn State

  • Kim Kardashian

  • NBA Lockout

I am sick of hearing about all 3 and I feel all of them have one thing in common: Money.

I'll start with Sanduskey. I'm not sure what people know about my job, but I am a children's advocate. So. . . I've read many a case files about children being abused or being the abusers to other children. The things that happened at Penn State make me sick. Do I feel it's Paterno's fault?? No. Do I feel that he probably should have had a red flag pop up the many, many times that Sanduskey was alone with random boys?? Yes. When I notice a friend's behavior is off, I ask another friend or my friend themselves. It's been stated that it was common practice for Sanduskey to take young boys to away games and stay with them in the same hotel room. Games his wife wasn't there. These are not family friends. These are random young boys. That is weird. I also find it funny (but not in a haha type way) that Sanduskey stated he isn't a pedophile and that everyone horses around in the shower and takes showers after workouts. That is true. But everyone usually takes showers in the locker room with people their own age or with people who are at the gym after their workout. . . and everyone is usually in a different stall. I never remember one of my coaches showering in the locker rooms with us after a workout. That would have been weird. I'm pretty sure the reason this was all covered up was because of the money Penn State would have lost. Why else would you repeatedly turn a blind eye and enable someone like that?

Now as for the NBA Lockout: You money hungry cry babies. They are so worried that the middle level prospect will be making $400,000 less a year but don't seem to care about all the games that are being cancelled that the lower income people who are relying on the job at the venues they play at aren't making any money at all. Good for you guys! Why don't the super money makers give up some of their money to the middle levels?? That's an idea. I quit watching the NBA after the last time they were in contract negotiations. I probably will never watch them again. This is why I stick to college sports. They still have a love of the game. Granted their love of the game might be to make a big pay check later on, but. . .

The Kardashians. . . specifically Kim. I'm not going to lie here, I get sucked into Keeping up with the Kardashians and their spin-offs from time to time. One of the days that my roommie and I got sucked into watching a marathon and they were in Bora Bora it was definitely portraying Kim as a spoiled brat who also was really annoying. Yet Kris Humphries STILL proposed to her after he just said how ridiculous she was acting. Good plan. If you're annoyed now. . . wait 20 years down the line. . . and then see how annoyed you are. If I have to see one more thing on Kim and Kris and how horrible Kim feels about. . . I might explode.

I already talked about how ridiculously expensive the wedding was and they should have donated money instead. Well instead of returning the wedding gifts after 72 days of marriage, she said she would just donate all this money to charity. Really?? If I had went to that wedding, I would want my gift back. And hmmm. . .let me see. . .maybe you should have just donated that money to begin with. . . especially if this wedding turns out to be a sham. Or maybe they are just trying to drum up publicity for Kim and Kourtney take New York. I just want to know when Reality Stars got to be actual celebrities?? Anyway, if I had to pick a Kardashian, it's Khloe. She keeps it real. She admits how ridiculous her marriage happened so quickly to Lamar yet her marriage is already over a year or so old.

I am done venting. Maybe I should just quit reading the gossip pages. . . but who am I going to live vicariously through??