Thursday, August 6, 2009

I want to kill my neighbor. . .

I'm all for partying on my porch. I'm all for staying up late.

But I am not for LOUD partying on my porch and staying up late. . .on a school night.

Even on the weekend when my friends and I get loud on my porch, I worry that I am waking up my neighbors that may be sleeping when it's 2am. I feel bad. Maybe that's just who I am.

But ever since I saw Josie last Wednesday, I can't sleep well to save my life. It's like I'm sleeping, but not really. And after having a mini meltdown at like 10:30pm last night and my cousin was the only friend up, I was exhausted and just wanted to sleep. (Thanks again D$!)

Then I heard my neighbor and God knows what other guys. And there was a chance they were there prior, but through my sobs, I could not hear them. They were loud until 1-1:30am. On a school night. I mean LOUD. I could make out the entire conversation verbatim. It wasn't muffled loudness. I would hope at 42-years-old with 3 kids that you would know what indoor voices are.

Maybe he was just up celebrating PJ's Birthday early. . .Happy Birthday PJ!!!!!

1 comment:

pj said...

Thanks, A!! But if they were celebrating at 1:30, they were celebrating ON my birthday. They should have called me. I couldn't sleep and was up reading.