Thursday, May 22, 2008

I'm sure stranger things have happened. . .

Maybe, maybe not?!? I think strange things just HAPPEN to me! I am aware of this people!! :)

So. . . I guess Dean and I are trying the friends thing. But it is hard. I mean HARD. He called Tuesday afternoon and I thought was just making small talk and asked what I was up to that night and I of course said "Oh nothing." This is when he asked "So, you want to go out to eat and hang out then??" I walked right into it. I did. And it's not that I don't want to hang out with him anymore. I do. And I think now that I realized I'm over him, the hanging out is easier.

Until. . .

He gets his money out in anticipation for the check (the amount he feels will cover the whole thing). Then when the check comes I get my money out all speedy, and he ends up putting that money away and getting out smaller money to pay the bill. We ate Mexican and as most Mexican places are here in town, you pay at the counter. So the fact that I got my money out then and there says something. I never do it. I get out the tip maybe, but not the money. He could have said "I got this." But I let him get lunch not too long ago and I probably shouldn't have. And usually when we would go out to eat, he would get the meal and I would get the tip. That's how we work. That's how we used to work anyway.

Anyway, we are leaving and he asks to go shopping. Shopping?!? Well now I think we're starting to cross back over to the weird zone. So what do we do?? We go to Gordman's. On the way there I'm telling him that I do need new perfume because I'm trying out scents and this one that I'm wearing I think smells like cotton candy on my skin. He smells it and agrees and I say "See?!? I need a new perfume then. I mean what if someone becomes hungry and just decides to take a bite out of my arm??" Now in most instances, say a year ago-6 months ago even-I would have been mortified at my one funny (in my own way) comment. And he just laughs and says that that would probably be bad if that happened. So we go and decide what perfume I should get and then smell colognes and determine what he should get. (He decided to not get cologne at this time, in case you were wondering.) I then help him pick out t-shirts and socks--the reason he wanted to go shopping. I also help him look at dress shirts but he can't remember his neck size, so he doesn't buy any. (Now, had I ever actually strangled him, I could have told him his neck size, but that was only pure fantasy.)

We then go back to my house to watch tv and hang out. To which, when I go to the restroom, he automatically sits on the couch and takes control of the remote. I ask him if he wants some angel food cake and he says "No, if I want some, I can just eat some of yours." There we go. . . back to weird. . . Which he did. . . off of my fork. . . and I acted like it was an airplane. Yes, he's three. :)

This is where my coolness comes in (again). . . I'm in my kitchen putting our dishes away when he looks at the time and figures he best be going. (It was 10:30ish!) So we make some more small talk and he holds his arm up for approximately, oh, 30 seconds, to which he gives me a really funny look, and I say "Oh, you want a hug!" And as he hugs me he says "Why wouldn't I want a hug? We usually hug goodbye."

Now, I guess. . . that's normal. . .friends hug goodbye. However, there was no drinking involved. No deep philosophical discussions. No nothing. I usually always hug my girlfriends goodbye, but not always my guy friends. It was. . . well weird. . . But at least I don't have feelings anymore or again! Right?? Right???


Anonymous said...

um your full of it you don't know Dean Cain. He doesn't date fans or crazy girls. He only dates people in the Industry. you are one crazy lady. Get some help i suggest calling a Shrink.

Idea #527 said...



But if you're not joking. . . Dean Cain (the one I'm talking about here) is actually a code name H came up with in her blog for this guy she wanted me to date. It's not the guy's real name I'm talking about. :)


Anonymous said...

LOL "smiles" your funny Code names so what's yours Teri Hatcher then. Just wondering.

Idea #527 said...

I should come up with one...perhaps it should be my bar name. . . Samantha. . .

Captain Crab said...

For God sakes, he's a guy!!!!!!!!

We men have no idea of what we are doing. So just relax, it will be fine, no matter what happens.

Idea #527 said...

Thanks Captain!! I'll try to remember that!! :)