Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Why my life is funny. . . but not in that haha, rollover laughing sort of way. . .

I think my entire life I always thought that when I fell in love, there would be this huge spark (and possible fireworks) and a knight on a white horse would come in and sweep me off my feet. This has not happened. EVER. I would have settled with the knight in a white mustang. But no.

My good friend got married about two months ago and after I was groped/molested by our other good friends husband (this is entirely another post), I sat down on the couch next to this guy I'll refer to as Boatman. Boatman and I talked for about 20 minutes and I may or may not have been drunk. So two weeks after the wedding, I receive an email from my good friend saying this guy wants my email. So after email exchanges, phone calls, text messages over the span of a month I go to visit Boatman and my good friend and her husband and go boating b/c said guy has a Boat. (See how I did that?!? He has a boat, so I gave him the nickname, Boatman. I never said I was funny.)

So now I have this great guy who seems to be head over heels in love with me. The problem??? I have absolutely no spark for him. None. Not even fireworks. I may or may not have even kissed him to decide if perhaps there was a spark there. None.

The worst part?? I'm going to get him to come here and see me and see if perhaps a spark might ignite on his way here. But it just confuses me more. Perhaps it's just b/c I'm nice. I feel everyone may have an off day or two and needs a second chance. But does the spark just appear?? I don't know. I've never had that before. I've had the spark with several people. That chemistry thing. That thing where you walk past a stranger on the street and you accidently touch and your whole arm goes numb. My finger didn't even tingle.

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