Thursday, September 24, 2009

I hope this doesn't become me. . .

So I read FMYLIFE on like a regular basis. Pretty much when I feel down about life, which apparently is like every day. Well I came across this gem and I cried a little inside.

Today, my best friend, the man who I've been in love with for nine years, finally told me he loves me and wants to spend the rest of his life with me. Unfortunately, it was while he was using me to practice proposing to his girlfriend. FML.

FML indeed. And then I fear this will be me. What if this happens to me?? I thought it might happen to me when the love of my life got married (as did my friends who were afraid I would stand up and say "I object!!" is that the right word? Object?? It doesn't seem right, but you all know what I mean, but then I realized that while I loved him, I couldn't see myself standing up there with him. Which is good. And while I do still get giddy when he calls me and when I get to see him, it's a different kind of giddy. Anywho. . . let's hope this doesn't happen to me!!

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